In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.
I'm a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia, I specialize in cultural psychology, examining similarities and differences between East Asians and North Americans.
Associate professor, university of British Columbia, Canada.
Monica: I'm a librarian. I work at the University of British Columbia.
Monica: I"m a librarian. I work at the University of British Columbia."
Monica: : I'm a librarian. I work at the University of British Columbia.
But there are limits to resilience, said Simon Donner of the University of British Columbia.
Jim Little of the University of British Columbia in Canada wants to make robots less clumsy.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia enrolled 538 patients between 2007 and 2009.
Associate Professor, University of British Columbia. Taught at the Sloan School of Management, MIT.
This is the website of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of British Columbia.
Professor Wieman is currently on leave from the University of British Columbia and the University of Colorado.
Jan Hannemann at the University of British Columbia has been investigating the topic as part of his Ph.D. research.
英国哥伦比亚大学的Jan Hannemann一直在研究这个主题来作为他的哲学博士研究的一部分。
Dr. Evan Wood, an AIDS policy expert at the University of British Columbia and the chief author, cited Portugal's approach.
The University of British Columbia is not responsible for any costs, including, but not limited to, airline or hotel penalties.
Redfield, a microbiology professor at the University of British Columbia, had been hearing rumors about the papers for days beforehand.
Bryan Gick and colleagues at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, wondered whether tactile sensations affect hearing too.
Carsten Wrosch from Concordia University in Montreal and Gregory Miller of the University of British Columbia studied depression in teenage girls.
蒙特利尔市肯考迪亚大学的Carsten Wrosch和英属哥伦比亚大学的GregoryMiller研究少女的抑郁。
Mark Schaller of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver has found that social behavior can change depending on people's fear of pathogens.
Benefits of bilingualism can begin in utero, Janet Werker, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, Canada, told the news briefing.
Dr Donner, from the University of British Columbia in Canada, said: "Even if we froze emissions today, the planet still has some warming left in it."
His wife tools around Vancouver in a black Maybach while his 20-year-old son drives a dark gray Maserati to classes at the University of British Columbia.
This may be because people are more motivated to pay attention to attractive people, said study co-author Jeremy Biesanz of the University of British Columbia.
来自英属哥伦比亚大学的慈祥研究合著者Jeremy Biesanz认为这可能是由于人们更乐意去关注有魅力的人。
Microbiologist B. Brett Finlay of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and colleagues wondered whether certain microbes in the gut provided protection.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia found that among business managers in the us and Canada, those who take greater risks are the most successful.
The person most commonly associated with AOP is Gregor Kiczales, currently at the University of British Columbia, where he works on software modularity research.
The person most commonly associated with AOP is Gregor Kiczales, currently at the University of British Columbia, where he works on software modularity research.