Hence, other ambitious schools, like the University of Southern California or New York University, have emulated the traditional elite institutions.
A second study from researchers at Brown University and the University of Southern California has found that giving up smoking improves mental health as well as physical health.
In the study, scientists at Wake Forest University and the University of Southern California trained rats to learn a task, pressing one lever after another to receive water.
Other reports told about schools with many foreign students, like the University of Southern California and Purdue University.
He was born in Korea and has studied at Yonsei University in Korea and University of Southern California in USA.
15 years of teaching experience at University of Southern California (USC), University of California (UC), Southern Nazarene University, and Point Loma Nazarene College.
15年的任教经验, 任教学校:南加州大学,加州大学,南拿撒勒大学,波因洛马拿撒勒学院。
As in previous years, the University of Southern California had the most international students, 7, 189, followed by New York University and Columbia.
Tony graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 1996, and obtained a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Southern California in 1999.
董刚先生毕业于对外经济贸易大学。 后就读于美国南加州大学,获得会计学硕士学位。
Tony graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 1996, and obtained a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Southern California in 1999.
董刚先生毕业于对外经济贸易大学。 后就读于美国南加州大学,获得会计学硕士学位。