You can't narrow an object for use unless the local environment knows what the class looks like.
When you expose an object tree as a CherryPy URL space, the assumption goes the other way: Unless you explicitly label a method as exposed, it isn't served to outside users.
At this point, your second appliance object should be created successfully, unless you see errors in the Tasks view.
Unless you're specifically using XML in your request, or the server is sending you a response in XML, there's nothing but plain old Http used in the XMLHttpRequest object.
At this point, your appliance object has been created successfully, unless you see errors in the Tasks view.
The above interaction of repeatedly sending the same message to the same object is not very useful, unless you need to document some kind of polling scenario.
Don't make a variable or object global unless you absolutely have to, which is almost never.
Object data locking is generally per-object. Well, unless you don't have huge scalability issues, in which case you may have some external bigger lock (extreme case: one single global lock).
Even though I could gratify every caprice and lay my hands on every object of desire, I would not go into rapture, unless with you in my life.
Even though I could gratify every caprice and lay my hands on every object of desire, I would not go into rapture, unless with you in my life.