I was sitting in the corner, gradually, I became that corner, acuate, unmerciful, hard, sleepless.
Those promises paled when facing the unmerciful fact, for they didn't notice the "responsibility".
You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial Wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial Lamb.
Please be aware of suffering of farm animals, and how so many billions of them are raised in unmerciful ways, ending their lives in cruel methods of slaughter.
His caritative articles well expressed his loyalty to the unmerciful world and his role of lover to the inconstant daily life. No one devotes his love to the world than him.
It's pity but every detail here is already being touched by unmerciful hand of the Time: everything is being wear out, and it's not a surprise - the power plant has worked a lot.
It's pity but every detail here is already being touched by unmerciful hand of the Time: everything is being wear out, and it's not a surprise - the power plant has worked a lot.