This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs.
You are looking to identify unmet needs which your organization may be able to solve.
Learn how to do real, world-class business research, to find out what unmet needs you can fill.
The more people are preoccupied by unmet needs, the less energy and engagement they bring to their work.
Create a map to clearly and more completely understand the evolving or unmet needs of your customers.
There will always be unmet needs. But health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.
There will always be unmet needs, but health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.
始终会有未满足的需求,但卫生过去从未得到如此大的关注或享有过如此多的财富。 然而尽管有这种空前的承诺和动力,我们仍然落在后面。
Far from pathological or random, they represent subconscious attempts to heal unresolved childhood conflicts or satisfy unmet needs.
The new appeal revises an earlier one made immediately after the storm. A current assessment highlights the unmet needs of the victims.
Or to phrase these questions with the voice of civil society: Is it not time to put people and patients, especially those with unmet needs, first?
It was like witnessing a trial between two plaintiffs, each making a case for being the bigger victim, the major sufferer of unmet needs at the hands of the other.
HOPE was given as the ultimate tool or method that enabled individuals to endure life while they wer waiting for their unmet needs to be fulfilled or fall into place.
A key WHO initiative employs new mapping software to help countries pinpoint the greatest unmet needs for a range of health services, in order to best target available resources.
I see a WHO that continues to bias much of its work towards the many unmet health needs in Africa and beyond, and to the empowerment of healthy, well-educated, self-confident women and girls.
But such efforts will ultimately have a patchy and limited impact because they do not address the root causes of unmet health needs in girls and women.
Basic sanitation needs remain unmet for many: only 58% of people living in sub-Saharan Africa have access to safe water supplies.
At that point I didn't know that it was okay to have margins, to let some needs go unmet, or to say no very often.
People with disabilities have less access to health care services and therefore experience unmet health care needs.
A business exists to make money fulfilling unmet customer needs.
Instead, they experience them as signals of unmet "emotional needs" that their partners must gratify.
Methods the status of unmet health-care needs among the elderly from "empty nest" families and normal families and its influencing factors were surveyed with questionnaire.
As a result, the potential and passion of Chinese citizens for volunteer service find no way out, whereas at the same time so many important service needs go unmet. This situation should be changed.
As a result, the potential and passion of Chinese citizens for volunteer service find no way out, whereas at the same time so many important service needs go unmet. This situation should be changed.