Biologist Jill Farrant of the University of Cape Town in South Africa says that nature has plenty of answers for people who want to grow crops in places with unpredictable rainfall.
There's certainly no fixed maturity date: Money shows up in irregular chunks as people pay down their mortgages at unpredictable times-for instance, when they decide to sell their house.
But for many millions of people the devastation caused by changing seasonal patterns and unpredictable weather is already a clear and present danger.
Recently, Strogatz' work has been in the news as British engineers released the definitive paper on the Millenium Bridge wobble, and its roots in how people walk on an unpredictable surface.
不久前,Strogatz的研究被新闻报道了,他作为英国的工程师发表了关于英国千禧桥晃动(Millenium Bridge wobble)的最终论文,其根源在于人们如何行走在一个不可预知的表面。
Power companies always keep spare capacity and will keep their turbines spinning through this unpredictable fall in demand in preparation for when people turn their lights back on again.
For many insurers, the risk remains too unpredictable and the number of people who can afford insurance too small.
Even people developing UAVs doubt that computers will entirely replace the brain in as dynamic, unpredictable and horribly human an activity as war.
The people I have the closest relationships with are unpredictable. Sometime they are there for me, and sometimes they are not.
Most of my life is spent with people, and people are so uncertain and unpredictable. I like the regularity or the predictability of the clock.
But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.
In life many people tend to pay more for getting double indemnity from insurance company as there are too many uncertainties and unpredictable circumstances.
You once said to me, the promise is a debt owed. Meet the fate always unpredictable, memory has always let people Tongche unforgettable.
Because panic attacks can be unpredictable, people often worry about them happening when they have to go into a public place.
Time passed and more people came, everyone says the weather in London is unpredictable like a child's face.
What you have to do is allow people to use their own energies and allow markets to create the new city in their own hurly-burly way, and that's usually a messy, unpredictable process.
Most of them regard practice as non-linear, appreciating that people are unpredictable, and that their actions often do not follow a straightforward trajectory.
Although the weather has been unpredictable in the past few years, this cannot be the reason for the decline in advance ticket purchases, because many people attended the concerts even in bad weather.
Unexpected epidemic and a sudden disaster once brought not only panic to the people, but also unpredictable negative effects to the textile and garment enterprises.
As crazy as the employment world may look to you right now, you may rest assured that the world of business looks even more unpredictable to the people who are trying to build profitable companies.
Only when graduation will people retrospect the every little thing passed away in college; and then they sentimentally talk about former days, past stories, as well as the unpredictable future.
People in Britain are used to having unpredictable weather - cold rainy summer days and warmer winter months.
People in Britain are used to having unpredictable weather - cold rainy summer days and warmer winter months.