To him, Shenyang looks almost unrecognizable today.
In our code we scramble letters, so words are unrecognizable.
In our code, we scrambled letters so words are unrecognizable.
He rejects processed food products containing unrecognizable substances.
You knew that this was the beginning of a change, but it was unrecognizable in every way.
The man who is careful and meticulous in one stage of life is unrecognizable in another context.
ZHUANG Shen was invited to lecture in Southeast University on "Unrecognizable System and Our Work".
I came to China the first time 15 years ago, and its totally unrecognizable, compared to that time.
Only one word comes to mind when I think about comparing Chengdu in 1983 and in 2013: unrecognizable.
Pitchfork: It's a much easier task to make something recognizable than it is to make something unrecognizable.
Of course, financial history doesn't repeat itself-and even when it rhymes, the sounds can be almost unrecognizable.
While searching, I stumbled upon several contacts I had added that now had unrecognizable pictures and strange locations.
Here and there a remnant of a building, a few shattered walls, stood up like rocks above the expanse of flame, unrecognizable....
With technology changing especially rapidly, the world of the early 21st century might seem almost unrecognizable in a few decades.
The munge algorithm can be very basic as long as it renders the JDBC URL sufficiently unrecognizable to the target "real" JDBC driver.
He defines "food" as whole, fresh foods that come from nature. He rejects processed food products containing unrecognizable substances.
You knew that this was the beginning of a change, but it was unrecognizable in every way. There was very little in terms of commercial life.
Running the program from external storage memory is not advised since when connected to PC the external card could be unrecognizable by the system.
The source image, cut into parts and unrecognizable by itself, allows Li to focus on simply painting, focusing on gesture, light, color, and modeling.
It was a time, almost unrecognizable to us, when the central Banks that printed each nation's currency were privately owned, and regulation was unheard of.
population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.
Most crash landings on other planets turn out to actually be crash landings on Earth, rendered unrecognizable by time travel, nuclear war, or a change in body size.
This number assumes a variety of disguises, being sometimes a little larger and sometimes a little smaller than usual, but never changing so much as to be unrecognizable.
As for what the switch from nudity means for the magazine, Playboy is hoping to revive its relevance in a culture unrecognizable to the one in which it was introduced in 1953.
A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday.
The young Sarkozy is almost unrecognizable in the advertisement for Bonux - a brand famed for inserting children's toys into its packets - as his dark hair has been lightened to blond.
The young Sarkozy is almost unrecognizable in the advertisement for Bonux - a brand famed for inserting children's toys into its packets - as his dark hair has been lightened to blond.