The backup device reported an unrecoverable hardware error.
Unrecoverable errors — the request must be returned to the client.
If one physical disk dies, the linear volume is generally unrecoverable.
If the tendencies are not corrected quickly, the impact will be unrecoverable.
An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize fault tolerant set information.
Everyone in the Assassin is the same, as if they're all part of an unrecoverable past.
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error, Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
This option allows logging to be bypassed, but makes the table unrecoverable with a roll forward operation.
So I dumped Internet Explorer faster than you can say "unrecoverable system error" and we moved in together.
Chu sun flurried find tissue for me until I unrecoverable wiped, deep down, he with a sigh, looking at me, Mimi.
This means that if one of the disks fails, the entire RAID is rendered inoperable, with unrecoverable loss of data.
The recordings store has been determined to be corrupt, and was unrecoverable. It has been copied to a backup file.
In those cases, the client SOAP stack needs to notify the sending application of the failure — but these are unrecoverable errors.
On the other hand, limited and unrecoverable energy, especially fossil fuels like oil and coals, can not offer us adequate supply.
For hard real-time threads they absolutely must complete the action by the deadline; if they do not an unrecoverable error has occurred.
True enough, you can do disastrous things to your hard drive to make it unrecoverable, and more than likely unusable from that point on.
Error - error will be called by the container in the case where an IO exception or a similar unrecoverable error occurs on the connection.
While everyone's been studying Torres' every move, it seems people have forgotten about Kaka -- his loss of form seemed to be unrecoverable.
The creation of this concept and discussion of relative theories are designed to classify pure economic loss into generally unrecoverable damages.
I'm always concerned about environmental protection. Facing the unrecoverable environmental damages resulting from economic growth, I don't know what to say.
Afier all the reasons given by people for supporting traditional energy, one should be mentioned that the environment on the earth is unrecoverable once destroyed.
Warning: If you do not contact us within the next 30 days, your account can be permanently deleted. In this case all your data and Settings will become unrecoverable.
If this was a production cell, and the deployment manager's machine simply died and was completely unrecoverable, it would be very difficult to reconstitute this cell quickly.
Sometimes Dr Specialists start examining the drive from the wrong point that leads to unnecessary wasting of time or even to the situation when the drive becomes unrecoverable.
The ship belonged to the White Star line but when that company was sold to Cunard the Titanic was not part of the sale because it was already a wreck and considered unrecoverable.
该船属于白星航运公司(WhiteStar line),但是当该公司出售给卡纳德公司(Cunard)时,泰坦尼克号不属于销售的一部分,这是由于当时它已是艘沉船,而且被认为无法重新获得。
The technology might preserve organs such as the kidneys, liver, and pancreas after withdrawal of life support and cardiac death in people with unrecoverable neurologic impairment.
Although sending messages to a log file can be quite useful, there are often times when you would also like to display a user-friendly error message in the event of an unrecoverable exception.
Inadequate technology in tunnel excavation shall result in instability of surrounding rocks and even lead to collapse and failure of them and cause unrecoverable loss of economy and time.
For the receiving accounts with undefined beneficiaries or unrecoverable funds, commercial banks must either provide telebank account-transfer services prudently, or not offer the service.