Those nonprofits learned a painful lesson: Attempting to start an unrelated business venture means they were hit with a double whammy.
The world's biggest maker of alcoholic drinks sold Burger King, Haagen-Dazs, Pillsbury and other food companies unrelated to its core business.
The world’s biggest maker of alcoholic drinks sold Burger King, Haagen-Dazs, Pillsbury and other food companies unrelated to its core business.
Business interactions unrelated to software project management can also benefit from expectation management, as we shall see below.
During the period of liquidation, the partnership shall remain in existence, however, it shall not engage in any business activities unrelated to liquidation.
They are rich in meaning and collocation and have business-related word knowledge as well as business-unrelated word knowledge.
The corporate value of firms that do business in related industries is better than the firms in unrelated industries.
There are two ways to segregate SPV from bankruptcy: firstly, SPV's structure shall be proper for preventing it form conducting and business activities unrelated to "special purpose";
There are two ways to segregate SPV from bankruptcy: firstly, SPV's structure shall be proper for preventing it form conducting and business activities unrelated to "special purpose";