If you click Yes, unsaved changes to the filtering pages will be lost.
If you receive the "unsaved changes" dialog shown in Figure 15, just click No.
If you attempt to run an unsaved SQL routine, a message prompts you to save it first.
In addition, each ITranslationUnit holds a single IWorkingCopy to manage unsaved changes to the code.
But the WorkingCopy doesn't have any children, yet — it's just a buffer of unsaved, unstructured text.
If there are, we prompt you to specify whether or not you want to recover the unsaved work (see figure 4).
NOTE: Unsaved Lotus Notes documents prompt the user to save changes when the user moves on to another page.
Or you might not want to quit at all, because you hadn't realized that you had an open document with unsaved changes.
The "save As" dialog is no longer confused when saving previously unsaved documents with document names containing a space.
Using this method gives the target program a chance to prompt the user to save any unsaved data during the cleanup operation.
This document is up to date. If you have unsaved changes, you must save the document before you can update the workspace copy.
If a crash occurs, the journal can be used as a checkpoint to recover unsaved information and avoid corrupting file system metadata.
Therefore, it can also be used to throw away any unsaved changes if you choose note to complete the session, for example, in case of a failure.
If the table has unsaved changes as a result of edits you made in the database diagram, a message prompts you to save the table before removing it.
The save options for projects and solutions determine whether unsaved changes will be included as you build projects and solutions while you are editing them.
If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session.
It displays a badge to indicate whether any files have unsaved changes, and new folders and files can easily be created (without having to open a separate dialog window).
May we all have grace to maintain in our own proper way the purity of the Church, as being an assembly of believers, and not a nation, an unsaved community of unconverted men.
For example, when an app attempts to read the contents of a document your app is editing, you can write unsaved changes to disk before the other process is allowed to do its reading.
If you run a program or open a file directly from a Web site and it causes your computer or other programs to shut down, you could lose unsaved work in any open files on your computer.
If you run a program or open a file directly from a Web site and it causes your computer or other programs to shut down, you could lose unsaved work in any open files on your computer.