How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
Cor. 12:4 That he was caught away into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not allowed for a man to speak.
Yet in their hearts there is unspoken - unspeakable! - fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts!
Some words are mildly offensive, while others are nearly unspeakable.
Because eI know you have thousands and thousands of words buried in the silent dream, unspeakable.
In fact after hearing this person's words, the he Feng is then cold the at heart melodrama bound, a kind of unspeakable and in alarm hover around in his at center.
His words were echoed with unspeakable astonishment by all but Elinor, who sat with her head leaning over her work, in a state of suchagitation as made her hardly know where she was.
在场的人,除埃丽诺之外,都带着不可言状的惊奇表情,把他的话重复了一遍。 埃丽诺一头俯在针线活上,只觉心情过于激动,简直不知道自己呆在哪里。 。
His words were echoed with unspeakable astonishment by all but Elinor.
His words were echoed with unspeakable astonishment by all but Elinor.