There, men are still expected to be breadwinners climbing the corporate ladder: traditionally-minded bosses are often unsympathetic to family needs.
But voters may prove unsympathetic.
He dismissed the event with a most unsympathetic shrug.
To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate.
This world, unsympathetic, full of restraint, obnoxious people.
As for China's criticism of the U. S., Volcker was unsympathetic.
All the characters in the novel are as unsympathetic as each other.
He described reports that he and his wife were unsympathetic to victims as untrue".
Moreover, cities like Sarasota are unsympathetic places for those down on their luck.
“I hate to admit it, but he is unkind and unsympathetic to people,” she said, as I recall.
“I hate to admit it, but he is unkind and unsympathetic to people, ” she said, as I recall.
This, substantially, is the unsympathetic version which Hume gives to an argument in Locke.
At this first appearance in a starring role, he was hissed off by an unsympathetic audience.
But George was unsympathetic. 'Oh, that,' he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend.
Students who spend years in nurturing classrooms eventually move on to jobs, with potentially unsympathetic bosses.
The heart is cool, see the whole world are unsympathetic; The heart is hot, see the whole world is full of vitality.
Even with someone like him who has been described as a monster, it's irrelevant if he is an unsympathetic character or a monster.
Peter Clarke, a former deputy assistant commissioner, backed him up, but MPs were unsympathetic. Mr Yates is under pressure to quit.
Of course many of these are pure evil, unsympathetic, nonhuman vampires that won't be played by Tom Cruise or Robert Pattinson any time soon.
Those who believe in compassion and those unsympathetic to their plight saw the Labor policy as a pale imitation of Abbott's stop the boats.
Though some of our relatives are unattractive and unsympathetic, they are still necessary to me because, I think, blood is thicker than water.
Even as unsympathetic, or have been injured in the sad cried after self-torture, self-tortured finished and the same weight as if nothing start.
The pressure of not having her future planned out is compounded by a visit from her unsympathetic father, who fears Felicity isn't taking her life seriously.
The messageboard on where he left the note appears to have been deleted, but many of the comments left in response to it were unsympathetic.
The characters are mostly tortured, unsympathetic, larger-than-life guys created with the help of a tiny club of A-list directors, most notably Martin Scorsese.
The picture Mr Isaacson paints, particularly in the first half of this book, is not flattering. Mr Jobs emerges as a controlling and often unsympathetic character.
In a recent episode, character Kurt Hummel broke down in tears after being elected prom queen by unsympathetic classmates, but then accepted the honor with dignity.
在最近一集中,一名叫科特·哈默尔德(Kurt Hummel )的男性角色被毫无同情心的同学选为高中毕业舞会的“花魁”而涕泪俱下,但随后鼓起尊严欣然接受了这一荣誉。
In a recent episode, character Kurt Hummel broke down in tears after being elected prom queen by unsympathetic classmates, but then accepted the honor with dignity.
在最近一集中,一名叫科特·哈默尔德(Kurt Hummel )的男性角色被毫无同情心的同学选为高中毕业舞会的“花魁”而涕泪俱下,但随后鼓起尊严欣然接受了这一荣誉。