Can we postpone the sales meeting until a later time?
And then my first business was started in 2013. I finally got started instead of thinking about it or putting it off until a later time.
It was not until Jane was on her death bed a year later that Johnny, seeing his last chance slip away, asked Jane one final time about the yellow ribbon she wore around her neck.
Sorry, I have a doctor's appointment at that time - can't take the conference call until a couple hours later.
So it did take us some time until we found out, almost a year and a half later.
If instead you gently avoid the person until you can solve the situation and then address it at a later time, things are likely to get better and your anger will subside.
It's also not a time to sign contracts, which is problematic this month, when paperwork may be presented to you for your signature. Try to delay signing until January 18 or even later if possible.
A further status conference has been set for January 11, at which time the judge may set a trial date or may defer doing so until later.
After the collapse of bubble economy in Japan, the economy has been at the murky condition for a long time, which had a better change until the later period of 2002.
After the collapse of bubble economy in Japan, the economy has been at the murky condition for a long time, which had a better change until the later period of 2002.