Really want to take your hug in the bosom, and so on, until the end of time.
He gazed into her eyes and promised that he will love her until the end of time.
Even if the sun refused to shine, even if romance ran out of rhyme, you would still have my heart until the end of time.
I used to laugh at the kind of girl that is always waiting for her charming prince who'll love her until the end of time.
Time does not water down the wine of love, distance dose not separate our hands of longing. Think you, until the end of time, until forever.
Countless miss you at night, think of you this happy time, I pray for the meteor, to the world I can meet with you, in love, until the end of time!
Thus with Cenarius' help Malfurion sealed Illidan within a vast underground barrow prison there to remain chained and powerless until the end of time.
You’d prefer to continue gracefully skating your perfect figure eights until the end of time, but you know there’s more to this creative life than that.
"I have an existing contract until the end of the World Cup finals, " Hiddink said. "The question will require some time for thought.
Since themes develop over time, you can't fully understand the underlying themes until the end of the text.
The tokenizer moves through the stream, inspecting characters one at a time until it encounters either an integer or the end of file.
It followed them, flapping double time, until it caught up, until it joined the last end of the elegant line.
Both databases provide the roll forward until a certain point in time and to the end of the logs.
And, says Mr Rosenthal, state legislatures with long sessions tend to spend most of the time deadlocked, until the end of the session approaches and they pass all their bills in a chaotic rush.
He said the EU would not make a final decision on whether to offer the 30 per cent target until the end of the talks, in order to give other countries time to improve their offers.
Also because I think I didn't play my best tennis today, but, you know, I was running all the time, you know, and fighting until the end of the match.
If we wait until the end of the sprint to do this, any diverging code will be discovered at precisely the wrong moment - when we have the least time to fix it.
For example, in April 2009, the Bank of Canada committed to maintain a low policy rate until a specific time, namely, the end of the second quarter of 2010, conditional on the inflation outlook.4.
Not until the end of the last ice age, around 11,000 years ago, did he start building anything that might be called a village, and by that time man had been around for about 120,000 years.
When one goal down and in injury time, 90% chances are there will be no more relevant plays until the end of the match.
Venus and Saturn will work together until the end of the year to help you see it's time to commit.
This is my first time being overseas all the way from the beginning hopefully until the end of the season.
There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions and a general discussion, so please leave asking your questions until then.
A variable of array type has three important limitations: Its size is fixed, the size must be known at compile time, and the array exists only until the end of the block in which it was defined.
Don't wait until the end of the day (unless you really don't want to talk to the person.) it is also best to return calls during your least productive time of the day.
Don't wait until the end of the day (unless you really don't want to talk to the person.) it is also best to return calls during your least productive time of the day.