I would like to, I will happily extend this until the last moment of his life.
Until the last moment, never give up; Less than the final victory, never treat STH lightly.
Until the last moment I believed I would get together and wouldn't have to undergo surgery.
If we analyse the game you can see that we tried to equalise right up until the last moment.
Until the last moment we weren't sure. But we said: 'we have to do this, we have to believe.'
Taros will support you forever, until the last moment, we can still watch meteor shower together.
Arthur turns his mind to his revolutionary cause and loves Gemma until the last moment of his life.
That was the last thing I wanted to write about, and so I left the assignment until the last moment.
Until the last moment, I didn't realize I owe an apology to a person all the way. And it gonna BE me.
But in fact he has a long record of resisting new ideas until the last moment-and then claiming those new ideas as his own.
It's a point of honor with the customer not to let the shopkeepers guess what it is she really likes and wants until the last moment.
Also be mindful of the separation of content, processing, and presentation, and avoid embedding references to script until the last moment.
However, not until the last moment shall we give up our dream easily. Instead, we should spare no effort to come up with the right solutions to tackle it.
But when there is little time pressure, and the choices are both fundamental and far-reaching, there is no reason to settle on a firm choice until the last moment.
One day, it was announced to them that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and were ready to leave, except Love. He wanted to hold out until the last moment.
The lean software movement (see Resources) has a great concept called the last responsible moment: defer decisions not until the last moment, but until the last responsible moment.
精益软件运动(见参考资料)有一个很好的概念叫做最后可靠时刻(lastresponsible moment):不是将决定推迟到最后时刻,而是最后可靠时刻。
We always know the situation — when the goal didn't go in, when clear penalties weren't being given and you know Barcelona have the ability to do anything up until the last moment in the game.
By waiting on design decisions until the last responsible moment, you have better knowledge and context for the real impact of the decision.
Lean advocates to defer until "the last responsible moment" without offering much help on knowing when that is.
Try to put off architectural decisions until the last responsible moment as well, even though they have a bigger potential impact.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
turning off any screens an hour or two before bedtime (instead of working up until the last possible moment) and starting a simple bedtime routine.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
Lett sorrow hold out until the last possible moment, perhaps in the morning after the world will grow?
让忧伤坚持到最后一刻,也许在天亮之后世界会变呢? ?
Lett sorrow hold out until the last possible moment, perhaps in the morning after the world will grow?
让忧伤坚持到最后一刻,也许在天亮之后世界会变呢? ?