Several questions arise – are there really enormous areas of unused land?
The food supply is almost back to normal, with new vegetable plots dug on unused land.
One day while he was downtown, he happened to notice a stretch of unused land behind the city hall.
There are great potentialities of exploiting reserve resources. recultivating and using unused land in Shandong Province.
The incremental expansion of urban and rural built-land mainly come from farmland, followed by the unused land, garden, woodland and water;
The conclusions as follows: the cultivated land and pasture land are the main land use types, and the unused land area is much and other land use area is small.
Probably the most important policy tool used in terms of the vacant or unused land in Brazil is what is referred to a "progressive taxation on vacant or unused land".
The stability of dry land, built-up area and unused land became weaker. On the contrary, the stability of grassland, forest, shrubbery, and paddy field became stronger.
Putting unused land to new use, while teaching the value of organic gardening and environmental awareness: Food Up Front is yet another friend of Tzu Chi, at work in a foreign land.
The results showed:(1) land use and landscape pattern characteristics: the type of change varies, Tended to decrease grass land, forest land, construction land and unused land tended to increase;
Now, the government vows to complete land reform by determining who has legal right to every acre of land in Bolivia and making sure the poor and landless gain ownership of unowned or unused land.
We will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused, property hoarding and price rigging.
"Our company has its development plans but I cannot say anything," Mr. Cui told a reporter before hurrying away, refusing to explain why the land has lain unused for 18 years.
The advantage of having them at sea is that they can occupy unused open space and ruin fewer views than on land.
The region has 15% of the world’s oil reserves, a large stock of its minerals, a quarter of its arable land (much of it unused) and 30% of its fresh water.
We foresee that in the coming decades, millions of people will migrate to the western regions, where the land is empty and resources unused.
There are some problems such as extensive running, leave unused and so on in land using.
Article 37 All units and individuals are forbidden to leave cultivated land unused or let it lie waste.
The government will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused, property hoarding, and price rigging.
The road resources between arterials that are left unused are explored to shunt the traffic of arterial network, not only alleviating traffic pressure but also saving land and investment.
The road resources between arterials that are left unused are explored to shunt the traffic of arterial network, not only alleviating traffic pressure but also saving land and investment.