Up to now, the bike man has repaired hundreds of bikes and given away nearly 700 newly repaired bikes.
This book is a great introduction to the lives and works of some of the most important and up to now unknown women in science.
Australia's success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation has replicated its all-encompassing system.
Her daughter has looked after her up to now.
Up to now, Wood has published more than 60 diaries, and he still updates the diaries frequently on social media websites.
Up to now she has sported an embryonic tail which is actually an extension of her tail bone.
Up to now, she has sported an embryonic tail, which is actually an extension of her tail bone.
Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.
The fantastic success of special relativity up to now, plus other cosmological observations, have led physicists to think that the brane might be flat, like a sheet of paper.
In the genetic code that life has used up to now, there are 64 possible triplet combinations of the four nucleotide letters; these genetic "words" are called codons.
Up to now, when you thought of "augmented reality," the picture in your mind was probably urban.
Most importantly, in structuring an extension activity this way, you create a well-defined interface, unlike the generic ones that you've seen up to now.
I think this stems from the fact that, up to now, very little interest has been paid to this frankly less than incendiary topic.
Third, up to now, the new virus has largely circulated in the Northern Hemisphere, where epidemics of seasonal influenza should be winding down.
Up to now, Swedish readers have been able to log on to the newspapers' comment pages using pseudonyms or nicknames.
Scientists modeling climate change have ignored cosmic rays up to now because there was not enough evidence about how they might work.
Up to now, non-residential construction—the building of offices and shopping malls—has been booming.
Up to now I've told everyone that the Turkish capital is my final destination - India sounds so far away I'm worried that I might not be believed.
Up to now, we have assumed a synchronous interaction, where each client of an invocation expects a response message and will wait until this response arrives or times out.
We have been fortunate since the very emergence of the new H1N1 virus, and have remained fortunate up to now.
Up to now, dolphins have shown themselves to be adept at responding to human prompts, with food as a reward for performing a task.
The famous sentence of Aristotle phrase, "I love my teacher but I love truth more" still inspire me up to now.
Up to now, most have been offering their content free online, but that is unsustainable, because there isn't enough advertising revenue online to pay for it.
I've got a DX-11 which is an FM synth, which has defined my sound up to now.
我有一架DX - 11软音源调频合成器至今为止我的声音都是由它调和的。
Scientists modelling climate change have ignored cosmic rays up to now because there was not enough evidence about how they might work.
Up to now, there really isn't a lot of evidence-base to tell a city planner what would be good, what would be bad.
Up to now, there really isn't a lot of evidence-base to tell a city planner what would be good, what would be bad.