The laser head can dolly move, up and down move, rotary move. The Z axis apply precision motor organ, it is better for medium mould repairing.
As you move around the chamber, the volume of the sound goes way up and way down, depending on where you are in these standing waves.
If you had a motor here that was causing a paddle to move up and down you could cause waves to form at one end of the tank and move from left to right.
How do you get these hearts to move up and down and seemingly in random patterns?
The weight of the ball causes the dragon's head to move down and the dragon's tail pulls the water bowl back up.
A good starting point would be 512mb, then move up or down to determine optimal value, measure throughput or response times, and analyze GC logs to understand frequency and length of scavenges.
Figure out how you can make it move a little to the left, a little to the right, up and down and then repeat in some kind of looping structure.
Re-order the controls by highlighting a control and clicking Move Up or Move Down as needed to put them in the following order.
通过突出显示控件并根据需要单击Move Up或Move Down来重新排列控件,以按照下列顺序放置。
The plane can move 20 or 30 feet up and down, which is quite dramatic for passengers but is of no consequence in aeronautical terms.
It provides pages with hyperlinks that enable you to move up and down the hierarchical tree.
In other words, even if you only move a button up one pixel and down one pixel, you still get an entire new form definition.
A closer look at their neighborhood reveals that they are not alone: Up and down the block, there are "For Sale" signs on the houses, and some neighbours have already had to move out.
An airplane is like a teeter-totter.When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down, the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.
The Erie required 83 locks, each made of stone, to move boats up and down the natural elevations. The locks were designed so that each needed only one person for its operation.
You can move between each device node by using the up and down arrow keys.
Although stock prices and earnings move up and down violently, dividends have been more reliable, typically falling from the peak of a cycle to its trough by only one-tenth in real terms.
The longer a chemical sits outside without breaking down, the more likely it is to accumulate, drift around and even move up the food chain.
Hotel employees swear that they've seen carts move and trays float, and that Rachel can even be spotted rushing up and down the street outside.
An airplane is like a teeter-totter. When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down, the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.
An airplane is like a teeter-totter. When the pilot moves the nose of the plane up or down the seats in the extreme front and back are going to move a greater distance.
I recovered spirits sufficient to hear Joseph's eternal lectures without weeping, and to move up and down the house less with the foot of a frightened thief than formerly.
In other words, teams can be at different levels of self-organization and can move up or down that scale at different stages.
To emphasize physical size such as length, width, hold your hands out in front of you widely apart to move them up and down.
When the GRUB menu is displayed, you select a boot image using the cursor movement keys to move up and down the list.
If you believe the default value is not adequate, then it is recommended that you start with 3, and move it up and down to see the performance impact on your workload.
Apple has so far refused to move and has accused Nokia of trying to make up for losses in smartphone market share by dragging down a competitor.
To emphasize physical size such as length, width, hold your hands out in front you widely apart to move them up and down.
In Asian countries, it is common to have a "soft" handshake - to hold the hand lightly, and only move up and down a small amount.
In Asian countries, it is common to have a "soft" handshake - to hold the hand lightly, and only move up and down a small amount.