When a stream of these negatively charged electrons comes within 100 meters of the ground it is met by a stream of positively charged particles that comes up from the ground.
He rose up from the ground and said to himself, "I can do it!"
When five pellets are placed on top without falling off, catching cicadas is as easy as picking a ball up from the ground.
You get a redistribution and mixing of soil as deep roots are ripped up from the ground.
In the meantime, Pinocchio lifted himself up from the ground, and with one leap landed on the donkey's back.
Sometimes, however, a stream of electrons following an established channel is met by a positive stream making a new path up from the ground.
Rectangular concrete plinths coming up from the ground serve as benches.
As the Earth rotates to eclipse the sun, sunset rises up from the ground.
The body is sown in one form and raised up from the ground in another form.
Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing.
I almost couldn't believe whether I was looking up from the ground or looking down.
Slowly, he moved nearer to me, but just then the first wild man began to get up from the ground.
The strong winds blow falling snow and pick snow up from the ground, cutting visibility and creating big snow drifts.
That means early signs of economic recovery, like the way plants begin to shoot up from the ground as a sign of spring.
Note the massive ice stalagmite growing up from the ground to meet the ice tube… will the water freeze before the twain shall meet?
The sun shone on his face, he stood up from the ground, knocked down to pick up as the daughter of a manic episode Natasha photos.
Certainly at first glance the formation of iron gray and sullen blue looked very much as if a new mountain had thrust up from the ground.
Small drones are being developed with highly efficient wing-bottom infra-red cells that scavenge radiation energy reflected up from the ground.
In one place, near at hand, a stalagmite had been slowly growing up from the ground for ages, builded by the water-drip from a stalactite overhead.
The building provides a strong relationship with its natural surroundings. To minimize its visual impact, the building is raised up from the ground.
Without saying a single word, I quietly picked myself up from the ground. I swept the dirt from my backside, and crawled into the back of the truck.
Rostov excused himself, left the stake of eight hundred and laid down the seven of hearts, a card with a corner torn, which he had picked up from the ground.
Innumerable figures sprang up from the ground and from their hiding-places round corners and under the eaves of the shops, then charged forward like a whirlwind.
Then, emerging from an area on the other side of the river, a large oval object seemed to rise up from the ground and proceed towards the unnerved couple's position.
Just as man has found great uses for the materials which he can dig up from the ground , so he has found important uses for the gases which he can obtain from the air.
The temperature inside the core of a fire tornado can reach up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,093 degrees Celsius)—hot enough to potentially reignite ashes sucked up from the ground, Forthofer said.
The temperature inside the core of a fire tornado can reach up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,093 degrees Celsius)—hot enough to potentially reignite ashes sucked up from the ground, Forthofer said.