Some teenagers never take entrance exams seriously; they simply leave what, to a large extent, could be the most important event in their life almost entirely up to luck.
Perhaps their biggest stroke of luck came early on when they tried to sell their technology to other search engines, but no one met their price, and they built it up on their own.
When I teach in the classroom, we often end up talking about things like success and what leads to success, and it's interesting that many of them mention the element of luck.
We have a big dinner, eat dumplings and stay up late for good luck.
Up jumped a villager, crying "What luck!"
The words, "if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all," brings up and enforces certain pictures that you will eventually live out.
To save face and appear to be taking action, the board may even fire him-thus giving up on someone who may be a good manager but had bad luck.
Questions: Have you given up on practice only to wonder why you're not improving in your field and experiencing the same luck as others?
Their luck ran out in the end but they never gave up thanks to their manager urging them on from the sidelines.
He's still hoping something (eg a job or a piece of good luck) will turn up.
But Vesterbacka said people shouldn't just chalk the success of "Angry Birds" up to luck.
Wherever they went in downtown Detroit, bartenders and waiters came up and wished them good luck.
As one example, consider a person who grew up poor and poorly educated, but became wealthy through the luck of the lottery or an inheritance from an unknown but wealthy relative.
I have been trying to set up an interview with a company that looks like a great fit for me, but I have not been having any luck.
Too many in the region wake up with few expectations other than making it through the day, and perhaps the hope that their luck will change.
With luck the reporters would follow up on the scuttlebutt without mentioning its source, assuring themselves that they had got the story through their "contacts".
Gardeners meet several times over the growing season, once for a formal start-up, then a few times over the summer for informal pot luck dinners and an annual open house.
We also might chalk up the good outcome to luck, or tell the person giving the compliment that we were “just doing our job” or that “it was nothing.
The company also has a 25th Anniversary site up that's basically just a venue for hawking their hardware products—I looked in vain for a picture of my beloved scroll wheel mouse, but had no luck.
Luck has played a part: Estonia has been pulled up by recovery in Germany and the Nordic countries.
Only through luck did we wind up getting into the hotel some time later, after another family canceled their stay because their power had returned.
The tree and decorations are unwillingly taken down two weeks after Christmas Day, as it is considered bad luck if they are up longer.
As luck would have it, I bumped into Mr Darling as the rally broke up, so I asked him.
Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I "ve send you."
If we're not having too much luck with our slides this morning, I went ahead and put this one up on the board here.
I don't think it will take us that long to get there; a few good results and confidence will go up, and a team with confidence also gets the luck.
As luck would have it, the first piece of steel pulled up from the bottom seemed to put an end to the mystery.
As luck would have it, the first piece of steel pulled up from the bottom seemed to put an end to the mystery.