He flew right up to the handle of Ben Weatherstaff's spade and alighted on the top of it.
Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overspill.
He moved up in the organization, but I was looking for someone to handle my marketing, so I appointed him vice President in charge of marketing.
Now that the back end is up and running, it's time to handle the scripting part.
The test environment is set up to handle up to 500 virtual users who are interacting with a Rational Requirements Composer server.
To verify our system, we must set up the application under test in the lab, perturb it with events, and detect when it fails to handle an event properly.
They agreed last week to set up a permanent financial safety net beginning in 2013 to handle future crisis in the Euro Zone, which will expand to include Estonia next year.
Adding more machines to your system increases processing power, which scales up the system to handle a higher client load than that provided by a single machine configuration.
As in the previous listing, be sure to clean up on completion by closing the queue handle and disconnecting from the queue manager.
Start with the situations which you can handle, and as the days pass, work your way up to the scenarios that make you more nervous.
While a variety of vendors offer software to handle moving the data, up until now it's been complicated and expensive.
In fact, you might want to bundle up the code you write to handle data source configuration and connection into a utility class (that's left for you as an exercise).
This implementation can not only dramatically speed-up the development of an adaptive system but it makes later changes very easy to handle and reduces the need to maintain complex integrations.
Spare processes are kept idle to handle incoming requests, which reduces the start-up latency.
The form action is set up to jump back to this login page, so code has to be added to handle the actual login.
Back up local files to the network server or work on the network and allow the IT department to handle things.
From the instant a pilot pulls that handle to the point where he can look up and see a parachute over his head is normally about 1.5 seconds.
UDP programs cannot rely on the reliability of the network; packets may be lost or reordered, and it's up to the application to handle these situations.
If you can be alerted to the issue quickly, you can easily bump up the resources allocated to handle the traffic and continue providing a good experience to all of those new users.
It is then up to the user to determine how to handle the missed scheduled action.
In the midst of the turmoil, regulators ordered Banks to speed up plans - long in the making - to set up a clearinghouse to handle derivatives trading.
If the fund doesn't come up with some new ideas for how to handle this one, the crisis may only remind us why we can forget it.
Lewin, 31, who had invented technology to help the Internet handle huge amounts of traffic, was flying to Los Angeles to drum up new business, which the company desperately needed.
Web developers can use progressive enhancement to handle the fragmentation, while waiting for browser vendors to catch-up to the spec.
Listing 13 shows the simplest way to handle a pop-up window.
Here are some tips to help you select the form and variety of Chile you want, and to brush up on how to handle chiles safely.
With just four big accounting firms remaining, and none of the next tier big enough to take up the slack, the corporate world cannot easily handle another accounting-firm failure.
The two sides should cooperate closely, handle differences appropriately, step up cooperation, cope with challenges together and make active contributions to the recovery of global economy.
When the connection handle notifies the connection manager that it has been closed, the managed connection is cleaned up and returned to the pool.
The first nun said that she would handle it and picked up a six pack and took it to the cashier.