Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable.
Yet India's huge potential to be a force for stability and an upholder of the rules-based international system is far from being realized.
He tried to give the impression of being an unbiased, objective upholder of the law. He was not, however, totally closed to honesty and fairness.
The thoughts and methods of CRM and MIS are used in the process of BPR, which embodies the upholder and amalgamation of those management techniques.
On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily.
On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily.