Doctors removed parts of his upper left jaw and hard palate and considered the operation to be a success, although it left Cleveland's mouth disfigured.
A Chinese girl has become the first person born without an upper jaw bone to have full successful reconstructive surgery, according to reports from China.
But even with the dinosaur's upper-jaw teeth hinging outward, they could likely still chew with their mouths closed.
A somewhat controversial theory had been proposed about 25 years ago suggesting such dinosaurs were equipped with a hinge between the upper jaw and the rest of the skull.
They are cobalt-blue on top and silvery-white below, with a pronounced dorsal fin and a long, lethal, spear-shaped upper jaw.
The species is the only known modern frog species with lower teeth, though certain other species with upper teeth do have toothlike structures on the lower jaw.
Wang Na was born with no upper jaw bone or teeth, making eating and speaking very difficult.
Rather than a flexible lower jaw joint, they had a hinge between the upper jaws and the rest of the skull.
Siemionow, director of plastic surgery research at the hospital, worked with a dozen specialists to rebuild the face of a woman who was missing her right eye, nose and upper jaw.
Become aware of the breath moving through the nostrils and the sinuses, behind the eyes and upper jaw.
Chinese girl has become the first person born without an upper jaw bone to have full successful reconstructive surgery, according to reports from China.
Its upper and lower ends are quite constant. It is suitable for the extensive defect of the lower jaw skin, hemi-facial skin and so on.
Simply speaking there are normally 20 teeth in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower jaw.
The patient had severe deformity in the middle of her face and was missing her right eye and upper jaw, the Cleveland Clinic doctors said.
One group of whales has, instead of teeth, long strips of bone, hanging from their upper jaw. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world.
The upper jaw is called the maxilla and is joined to the temporal bone.
The flews of the upper jaw are strongly developed and overlap the lower jaw to give a square look when viewed from the side.
Partial resection of the upper jaw causes dental and bone tissue defects, provoking physiological malformation.
A whalebone whale of Arctic seas, having a very large head and an arched upper jaw .
It is suitable for the design of crushing chamber for single - and double - toggle-plate jaw crushers with upper or lower toggle plate.
You may also have painful, enlarged lymph glands around your jaw in the upper part of your neck.
In pronunciation teaching, teachers can make the thumb of left hand as lower jaw and the other four fingers as upper jaw.
Objective To discuss the curative effect of upper jaw lip-side expansion for anterior teeth.
A dermal bone of the upper jaw which lies posterior to the premaxillary.
Unfortunately, the fourth premolar in the upper jaw is quite large and looks like the first molar in the lower jaw; it is known as a carnassial tooth.
Results: Data of upper edentulous jaw models and a palatal metal plate of upper complete denture were obtained.
Jaws must be undershot. The incisors of the lower jaw should protrude over the upper incisors.
Results: The incidence of TD was 26.78%. The predilection site is the tongue, lip and mouth, jaw, upper limb, lower limb, facial expression muscle, neck shoulder buttocks in turn.
Laser-welded keeper just could be used when there was enough space between the upper jaw and the lower jaw in patients with limited space to design the cast-keepers.
Laser-welded keeper just could be used when there was enough space between the upper jaw and the lower jaw in patients with limited space to design the cast-keepers.