Research and practice reveal that harmony and integration is the key method to solve urban traffic problems.
These studies can provide a theoretical basis and reference value to solve urban traffic problems related in future.
It's been accepting by the majority of cities that we can relieve the urban traffic problems in terms of improving the management of road and traffic.
ITS technology can enhance effectively the utilisation of current traffic facilities. It is also an important approach to settle the urban traffic problems.
The idea's is that public transport site leads to city's development and outward expansion. The arm is to solve the urban traffic problems by mass rapid transit.
The urban traffic problems has increasingly received more and more attention by people, developing transportation is one of effective methods to solve traffic jam.
According to the urban traffic problems at hand, it points out that the obscure road functions and unreasonable network grade proportion is one of the direct causes.
Owing to the river-valley type of the city limited by the mountain range and cut by the rivers, the regional space is narrow and the urban traffic problems are serious.
Those control systems can resolve urban traffic problems very well in a way, but there are defects and shortcomings by view of the status of urban traffic in our country.
Mechanical parking can take full advantage of the land resources play a space advantage, to maximize the parking, the solution to urban traffic problems in an important way to static.
The urban traffic jam problem has already become one of the greatest problems that the modern society, especially urban society is facing.
The study on the relationship between urban spatial structure and traffic needs has great significance for readjusting urban spatial structure and solving traffic problems.
In order to solve serious urban transport problems, according to the proved chaotic characteristic of traffic flow, a non linear chaotic model to analyze the time series of traffic flow is proposed.
These problems include traffic congestions, traffic accidents, noise and air pollutions within the urban environment and the low efficiency when using the road resource.
Five prestigious universities in Beijing were going to tear down walls to ease urban problems such as traffic congestion, according to city plans.
In allusion to the problems in the traffic control system, the article present the urban traffic signal control system based on fuzzy control.
As one of the most important parts of urban traffic system, our country's parking facilities have many problems, which have seriously impact urban traffic.
Traffic congestion and pollution in many urban areas are the most serious problems facing transportation policy makers, whose effective management polices may be bus priority and congestion pricing.
The various problems in urban roadway traffic are discussed.
Population explosion, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, resource shortages, urban poverty and cultural conflicts are becoming urban problems with a global scope.
Urban parking facilities is one kind of the important urban traffic infrastuctures. At present people pay more and more attention to the parking problems of big cities.
Part III emphasizes on the traffic current situation in Changchun: analyze the Urban traffic organizational characteristics and the main problems facing.
At present time, there have been many problems in taxi operation, such as high vacancy rate and high work load for taxi drivers, which bring inconvenience to the urban traffic.
Urban rail transit solves traffic problems of big cities and at the same time brings about an increase in real estate price.
In such a situation, Urban Railways was introduced as an effective solution to the current traffic problems in cities.
Therefore, the urban traffic control system is a large complex nonlinear system which poses many new problems and challenges for traffic signal control methods.
Transit capacity is one of the factors to deal with problems of traffic congestion and to facilitate to achieve high-efficiency of urban transit system operation.
Transit capacity is one of the factors to deal with problems of traffic congestion and to facilitate to achieve high-efficiency of urban transit system operation.