These findings do not imply that urbanism makes little or no difference.
Urbanism may produce a different style of life, but the quality of life does not differ between town and city.
America stepped into industrialize and urbanism in the mid 19 th century.
America stepped into industrialization and urbanism in the mid 19th century.
Adrian Hornsby is a writer on multiple subjects including architecture and urbanism.
Today, that involves exploring the elusive interface between architecture and urbanism.
Surprisingly, we found a lack of zoning can generate exceptional forms of urbanism and architecture.
This subject engages a dialogue with architecture and urbanism from the perspective of the visual artist.
There is no magic formula explaining our attraction to architecture, construction, destruction, cultures and urbanism.
Then introduces the theory and several examples New Urbanism which is approved by the scholars at home and abroad.
Through the design architecture outfit sought to bring a familiar street-level urbanism into the subterranean space.
There is no magic formula explaining our attraction to architecture, construction, destruction, cultures and urbanism .
The bridge is the result of a well thought-out process of optimisation combining engineering with urbanism and architecture.
The domains of agriculture and urbanism have traditionally been seen as mutually exclusive de-spite their extreme interdependence.
In the 80's 20 centuries, the New Urbanism movement has risen which created and reconstructed town neighbored community in the United States.
This leads me to believe that the most dynamic future for America urbanism — and I believe there is one — lies in Texas' growing urban centers.
Firstly, not only theory frame and the practice achievements, but also the community organization theories of the New Urbanism are introduced.
This article investigates with the emphasis of the latter point, bringing forwards impetus, essence, approach, purpose and meaning of Urbanism.
QG: as a professor in USC School of architecture, how do you apply landscape urbanism and landscape infrastructure in the studio you instructed?
"We're trying to create a planned experience, trying to use the principles of place-making and urbanism to change your experience on Wabash," Newell says.
Proponents of trickle-down urbanism still hold up luxury construction as a social good, promising to alleviate housing scarcity by increasing overall supply.
The mass of the program is manipulated with the objective to create a sectional urbanism where opposite activities and uses are set up in a successive sequence.
The style of the development is called New Urbanism, also known as neotraditionalism, emulating 1950s mixed-use neighborhoods where it was easier to walk than to drive.
其建筑风格被称作新乌托邦主义,亦称新传统主义(新都市主义,译者注),仿造了 20 世纪 50年代混合使用社区,不便驾车但方便步行。
While providing an escape from the tide of urbanism characterizing what we normally call a 'resort', the design still maintains the key aspects of the resort experience.
First, I would say I'm very interested about your idea about the use of landform and you introduce the agriculture back into the city and defined a kind of agri-urbanism.
The design is under the guidance of Landscape Urbanism. With the combination of runway, square and landscape, an ecological system is built atthe corner space of the city.
The design is under the guidance of Landscape Urbanism. With the combination of runway, square and landscape, an ecological system is built atthe corner space of the city.