Support for developing FastCGI applications, including support for rewrite rules via URL rewrite Module.
支持开发FastCGI应用程序,包括通过URL Rewirte Module来支持规则重写。
If the 'URL rewrite' module is installed and active, URLs for your albums and images will be much shorter and nicer.
The IIS URL-rewrite module works the same way regardless of whether integrated or classic IIS pipeline mode is used for the application pool.
The URL-rewrite module can make rewriting decisions based on domain names, HTTP headers, and server variables.
This rule is a little unusual because the rewrite doesn't actually change anything in the URL.
此规则有点不太常见,因为重写并未真正更改 URL中的任何东西。
It then iterates through the rewrite rules one at a time, and for each rule, it grabs its LookFor property and USES a regular expression to determine if a match is found in the requested URL.
The Web application must rewrite every URL sent in a Web page to the user, or else the session information can be lost.
Web应用程序必须重写每一个在 Web页面中发送给用户的URL,否则将丢失该会话信息。
The IO module specified can be used to rewrite any URL to reroute the AJAX requests through the build-in Home page AJAX proxy.
The IIS URL-rewrite module can be used with any type of Web application, which includes ASP.NET, PHP, ASP, and static files.
Rewrite URL in each incoming request to match the relevant internal location of the requested resource.
In this solution, you can create multiple URL-rewrite rules, each one responsible for transforming the SOAPAction header for a different operation.
In this solution, you can create multiple URL-rewrite rules, each one responsible for transforming the SOAPAction header for a different operation.