How does URL rewriting work here?
Figures 5, 6, and 7 show the URL rewriting in action.
URL rewriting: This is a popular alternative to cookies.
So, when should URL rewriting be performed in an HTTP module?
Performing Simple URL Rewriting with the URL Rewriting engine.
Specifying Configuration Information for the URL Rewriting engine.
URL rewriting can also be performed by an HTTP handler or HTTP handler factory.
也可以由HTTP处理程序或 HTTP 处理程序工厂执行URL重写。
URL rewriting can be easily configured to use an HTTP module or an HTTP handler.
We'll also see how URL rewriting can be used to create an intelligent 404 error.
We can accomplish this with the following URL rewriting rule in the Web.config file
我们可以在Web.config 文件中使用以下URL重写规则来实现此功能。
The remaining three sections of this article examine real-world USES of URL rewriting.
URL rewriting enables you to transparently forward requests to the new page location.
Under regular expression URL rewriting, every rewritten URI has at least one denotative twin.
Depending on your setup, you might have URL rewriting, dynamic generation by pathname, and so on.
In this article we'll look at creating a URL rewriting HTTP handler factory for ASP.NET Web pages.
URL rewriting is used to manipulate URL paths before the request is handled by the Web server.
First we'll look at how to use the URL rewriting engine and look at a simple URL rewriting example.
To implement URL rewriting in ASP.NET, then, we need to create an HTTP module or HTTP handler that.
To fix these subtleties, you might decide to perform the URL rewriting in the AuthorizeRequest event.
Apache mod_rewrite (or similar URL rewriting support if you are using an alternative server type).
Apache mod_rewrite(如果你使用的是其他类型的服务器,也可以选择类似的支持URL重写的组件)。
Like virtually all MVC frameworks, Microsoft finally supports URL rewriting via the ASP.NET Routing Engine.
象所有的MVC框架一样,微软最终通过ASP.NET路径选择引擎(Routing Engine)支持URL重写。
The ASP.NET page developer utilizing the URL rewriting engine can specify the rewriting rules in the Web.config file.
使用url重写引擎的ASP.NET页面开发人员可以在Web. config文件中指定重写规则。
To understand why these extra steps need to be performed, recall that the URL rewriting engine is at the ASP.NET level.
要理解需要执行这些额外步骤的原因,可以参考前面的内容,即 URL重写引擎位于 ASP.NET 级别上。
To see how HTTP handlers can be used to perform URL rewriting, consult the code available for download with this article.
URL rewriting is the process of intercepting an incoming Web request and redirecting the request to a different resource.
URL rewriting is the process of intercepting an incoming Web request and automatically redirecting it to a different URL.
To demonstrate the URL rewriting engine in action, let's build an ASP.NET Web application that utilizes simple URL rewriting.
为了实际演示URL重写引擎,我们来构建一个使用简单 URL 重写的 ASP.NETWeb应用程序。
First, you'll need to indicate in the Web.config file if you want perform URL rewriting with the HTTP module or the HTTP handler.
首先,您需要在Web . config文件中指明要使用HTTP模块还是HTTP处理程序来执行url重写。
So, if you rely on Windows authentication and file authorization, you will want to use the HTTP module approach for URL rewriting.
Finally, I'll assume that your Apache Web server is configured to support virtual hosting and URL rewriting through.htaccess files.