A: I am not buying US Treasury bonds.
China still largest holder of US Treasury securities.
Q: US Treasury Secretary Geithner will testify later today in the Congress.
Let's remember, until the last few weeks, those bonds paid more than US Treasury rates.
The yield of the three-months US Treasury fell to a 50-year low of 0.56 per cent on Wednesday.
Having been burned by the credit crunch, many have opted for the safe haven of US Treasury bills.
If China were suddenly to stop buying US Treasury bills, it would plunge America into a fiscal crisis.
Q: How do you comment on US Treasury Secretary Geithner's remarks yesterday about the RMB exchange rate?
Wall Street Banks are currently unloading their US Treasury bonds as fast as possible (unseen since 2004).
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he welcomed the greater sense of urgency being shown over Greece.
美国财长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)表示对希腊展现的更大程度的紧缺感表示欢迎。
For one, China is an important US creditor and wants to make sure the US Treasury remains good for its debts.
The greater the uncertainty attached to all other cash flows, the greater the demand for US Treasury securities.
Indeed, US Treasury yields remain well inside last summer's peaks as other countries have stepped up their buying.
Mr Bond estimates current central bank bond buying has cut 10-year US Treasury yields by between 50 and 100 basis points.
The central bank, he said, could also buy more state bonds issued by other major economies and decrease holdings of US Treasury bills.
According to analysis from JP Morgan, the downgrading means interest rates for US Treasury bonds could increase by 60 to 70 basis points.
As if to underline the point, yields on US Treasury bonds actually fell in the days after the downgrade, as investors fled to them as a haven.
The US treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, assured the public that they can remain confident in the "soundness and resilience" of the financial system.
The US Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, assured the public they could remain confident in the "soundness and resilience" of the financial system.
Hart also pointed out that America would probably then be forced to raise interest rates to make its US Treasury bonds more appealing to investors.
The US budget deficit for the fiscal 2010 year narrowed to $1.294 trillion from last year's record $1.416 trillion, the US Treasury Department said Friday.
美国财政部15日发布报告称,2010财年美国联邦财政赤字收窄至1.294万亿美元。 美上一财年的赤字额为1.416万亿美元,创该国财政赤字最高纪录。
The us Treasury signalled it was ready to step in with funds intended to prop up the financial system to prevent the biggest industrial failure in us history.
The Fed has cut interest rates, worked closely with the US Treasury to bail out key private firms like Bear Stearns and AIG, and flooded markets with liquidity.
The Fed has cut interest rates, worked closely with the US Treasury to bail out key private firms like Bear Stearns and AIG, and flooded markets with liquidity.