Develop an execution sequence based on a common usage scenario.
Some system integrators will however add an additional usage scenario.
Figure 5 shows the role of the developer and the related usage scenario.
Don't write functional requirements instead of usage scenario text.
The logic of a usage scenario may be part of a use case, perhaps an alternate course.
A usage scenario describes how a persona interacts with a system to perform a specific task.
To support this usage scenario, a human task has a simple interface with exactly one operation.
The engineer who is responsible for this build can refer to the usage scenario shown in Figure 4.
A usage scenario is exactly what its name indicates — the description of a potential way your system is used.
But what if you wanted to create a slightly more complex component, for a slightly more complex usage scenario?
After creating the database, the advisor can be used to configure the database for the usage scenario expected.
They are missing a valuable point; the question of how the choice of a usage scenario applies to the binding style.
He then goes on to explain a typical usage scenario involving integration of data from both Oracle and DB2 data sources.
接着他开始描绘一个典型的使用场景,涉及到来自Oracle和DB 2数据源数据的集成。
This is the final request/response portion of the Basic callback scenario described in the WS-I Usage Scenarios document.
In this usage scenario, many of the XML specific semantics, such as namespaces and white space behavior, are not important.
To illustrate our reasoning we will follow a usage scenario modeled around an online shop selling antique silverware to registered customers.
We can consider the performance test to be based on a regular usage scenario, and extend to the large data test set imposing some extreme loads.
The requirements for the interception point were modest in the first usage scenario, and no performance problems have been attributed to it thus far.
If you do use-case driven development, a usage scenario is typically an instance of a complete use case scenario, or a portion of the use case scenario.
If you are concerned about application isolation, you should carefully evaluate every usage scenario and look for potential weaknesses and act accordingly.
The more important point is that if you choose to use document-style messages across the board, they will work regardless of the usage scenario you choose.
A usage scenario might be a partner company of Plants by WebSphere that aggregates data from its own greenhouse with the catalog information maintained by Plants by WebSphere.
一种使用场景是PlantsbyWebSphere的合作公司可能需要将其自身温室中的数据与由Plants by WebSphere维护的类别信息聚合起来。
It's missing the full set of effects and transitions from the Windows Vista version, and doesn't support HD editing, but it's pretty functional for the typical usage scenario of home movie editing.
A scenario helps you to identify which usage pattern can be used in a particular situation to jumpstart an SOA initiative.
This article described the compensation service in Process Choreographer and its usage in the OTMPS scenario.
本文描述了流程编排器中的补偿服务以及它在OTMPS 场景中的使用。
You also examined a use case scenario detailing the configuration and usage of EFS.
您还研究了详细描述 EFS配置和使用情况的一个用例场景。
This obviates the need to have process or modules running which will not be used when targetting a scenario for specific usage.
This is the simplest scenario and illustrates the basic usage of the API.
As the primary scenario is about mobile usage, here's the same meta-form on a PDA.
This scenario tests the performance impact of cluster replication during light, medium, and heavy mail usage (using the IBM Geoplex site workload).