The UML specification provides specific text values for diagram types (e.g., sd = Sequence Diagram, activity = Activity Diagram, and use case = Use Case Diagram).
UML规范给图类型提供特定的文本值。 (举例来说,sd代表序列图,activity代表活动图,use case代表用例图)。
In this example, you will create a use case in your diagram for each of the previously modeled utility classes, since they represent the main functionality of our system.
We also accompanied each item in the diagram — use case, business object, user, or whatever — with a line or two of text describing that item's purpose.
These tests generally encapsulate a set of related steps that achieve a business goal, and they resemble a use-case diagram.
The use case model allows testers to visually identify their test cases, especially when the process includes a use case diagram.
The test paths are then designed based on the use case diagram, through which all relevant relationships and possible choices are passed at least once.
For example, in a use-case diagram, you can link imported requirements to use cases as a way of providing additional context.
He first accesses the updated use case diagram and sequence diagram to see how the new change will affect the application as a whole, as well as the components he is working on.
Your use-case model is composed of the use-case diagram(s) plus any supporting documentation: i.e., use-case specifications and actor descriptions (if you choose to document them).
Figure 1 depicts these use cases in the UML use case diagram.
Use case diagram Provides a behavioral view of system context by displaying actors external to the system who go to the system to achieve a specific, valued result (use case).
A use case model consists of a diagram and a set of descriptions that clarify the use case.
Soon, you will cover your use case diagram with use cases like water lilies cover a pond.
Figure 42 shows the assembly diagram wiring for this use case.
Figure 47 shows the assembly diagram wiring for this use case.
Being able to begin your software development efforts by outlining system behaviour via a use case diagram really helps you create a quality application architecture and design.
The simple UML use case diagram creation that I showed you will serve as the foundation for what'll I'll discuss in later articles.
我已经向你展示的那个建好的简单UM L用例图,会成为在以后的文章中讨论内容的基础。
By contrast, a system analyst is interested in the functionality described in the use-case diagram and less interested in the details of construction and deployment.
Use case diagram: A visual representation of system users (actors) and the services they request from the system.
Figure 37 shows the assembly diagram wiring for this use case.
For example, we may initially represent a complex system that satisfies the needs of its users by way of a use-case or context diagram.
Figure 1 illustrates these use cases using a use case diagram.
A context diagram is a part of a use case diagram showing the relationships of this particular use case to actors and other use cases.
Using your project and the class diagram you have already created as a starting point, create a use case diagram to make sure you understand the behaviour of your application.
In order to be able to test by means of use cases, besides the use case description and a use case diagram, additional information regarding specific aspects is required.
The only part of UML that is on a high level of abstraction is the Use Case diagram, and that's only at the total loss of precision.
Use the additional drawing toolbar operations for Include and Extend on a use case diagram
Figure 4 shows how we worked actors into our business model in Rose — specifically, in a use-case diagram associated with customer service that's an excerpt from our business use-case model.
A use case model consisting of the use case diagram, actor definitions, and a use case description may also be produced. 6.
Figure 8: Partial use-case diagram, including "Confirm Housekeeping".