If you do use-case driven development, a usage scenario is typically an instance of a complete use case scenario, or a portion of the use case scenario.
To their credit, the authors applied best practices -- use-case driven development, focusing on architecture, frequent testing, and iterative development -- to offset many of these project risks.
But generally, this type of information, and thus the related test cases, should be generated later in the development process than is done with those tests driven by a use case.
Now that it's time to begin iterating on the design, the book describes two different options — Use case or Feature-driven development — and discusses when one approach is better than the other.
With use case-driven development, each test level USES a different grouping of artifacts, which AIDS in keeping the test within the appropriate boundaries for the phase.
You can certainly gain incremental improvements by adopting use case driven development or by using visual models.
Also, if you've chosen to take a use case-driven approach, then you obviously need tools that support development of use cases.
But does a value (significantly) less than 1 mean the developers didn't do a good job of adopting use-case-driven development?
RUP development process is the mainstream of modern software development with characteristics of iteration and use case driven. UCP based on the use case is a software size estimation technique.
RUP development process is the mainstream of modern software development with characteristics of iteration and use case driven. UCP based on the use case is a software size estimation technique.