Figure 6a. Architect activities: use-case model refinement.
From there we selected the template for a RUP use-case model survey.
从中我们选择aRUPuse - case modelsurvey模板。
This doesn't mean that the Use-Case Model can only contain elements from the Vision.
The Use-Case Model in turn is the source for the subsequent Use-Case Specifications.
而用例模型又是随后的用例规格说明 的来源。
Included and extended use cases frequently emerged during detailed review of our use-case model.
These mappings are used to identify the subset of the existing use-case model that is affected by the project.
Although it is true that these people do these things, it is not what you want to depict in your use-case model.
Each describes a different aspect of the system, such as the use-case model, the analysis model, and the design model.
Traceability links can be created between the test suite definition and the use-case model, as illustrated in Figure 12.
In the end, we found consistency and frequent reviews to be key to success when presenting our use-case model to the customer.
As we fleshed out the business use-case model, a number of objects emerged that were good candidates for the business object model.
It is worth mentioning the central role played by the use-case model in this work as in any RUP-based software development project.
You have to evaluate the use-case model with respect to some frame of reference, such as business needs, business domain, and so on.
For example, if a Use-Case Model is referenced by the contents of multiple projects, it should not reside in any of those referencing projects.
Often the dependency relationships are not immediately apparent, but are discovered as the use-case model and associated user interface evolve.
The RUP documentation shows the evolution from business use-case model to business object model and system use-case model; we found this to be quite accurate and helpful.
Moreover the business workers that initiate those methods are to be traced to corresponding system actors (User Roles) living in the system Use Case model.
In particular, you will often have multiple choices about how to structure your use case model 11; when you do, align your use case model with the above attributes.
In previous columns, we have established a use case model in which actors represent external entities that interact with our system.
The completed use case model should allow all the stakeholders to see how the system supports their roles.
The resulting System Use Case model is shown in Figure 13, and includes all the use cases identified.
An important thing not to do is to functionally decompose your use case model; that is, do not break your use cases into smaller parts.
Literally, stay on top of your use case model to avoid the 700 use case syndrome.
Testers can more efficiently plan and execute testing when employing the use case model.
Use case identification and documentation into a use case model (with actor association) is the first iteration of this overall activity.
When an organization is complex and trying to automate significant functions, a business use case model can be invaluable.
With a level of analysis performed at this point, a formal use case model can be created and documented.
This type of model, describing how a user interacts with the system, is usually referred to as a use case model.
A similar algorithm is used here to map a business use case model onto another business use case model in a different context.
The use case model allows testers to visually identify their test cases, especially when the process includes a use case diagram.