Similarly, since we are using the default SSL port, we can use 443 as the value for port.
We use the same query as in Listing 3 to obtain credit default swap from DB2, so we won't repeat it here.
According to the keynote speaker, the next release of Ubuntu, 11.04, will use Unity shell as its default desktop interface.
We still let JSSE use its default SecureRandom, however, by passing null as the third parameter.
You will need to use default values x and y as your axes names unless you gave them custom names in your addPlot() call.
With private5, you use the UDP protocol as used by default on private1 and private2, but you need to use a different port number.
对于 private5,您使用UDP协议,就像 private1和private2 上默认使用的一样,但您需要使用一个不同的端口号。
When you install WidgetLocker you'll be prompted to use a different Home link as your default.
The essential technique for using pseudo is the same as that used for fakeroot in its default use case.
Uncheck use default paths, override the default paths of the data and log folders, and use UNC names to refer to the data and log folders as \ \ \ MQHA \ data and \ \ \ MQHA \ log.
取消选中use defaultpaths,覆盖数据和日志文件夹的默认路径,使用UNC名称将数据和日志文件夹引用为\ \ \MQHA \data和\ \ \ MQHA \ log。
Leave the other options as the defaults, then click Next We'll use the default information for the Web Service Selection and Web Service Proxy pages.
保留其它选项的默认值,然后点击Next我们将使用WebServiceSelection和Web Serviceproxy页面的默认信息。
If, against our advice, you use the default keys, remember that they expire as well.
While enumerations are stored as integers by default, you can specify the integral base type to use.
This data region performs well, and most JCS users designate it as the default cache region to use first.
Similar to the case of themes, you can customize skins, and use the default skins as samples to build your own.
Alternatively, you can use the same namespace for many events by declaring it as the default namespace and then specifying only the local part for each event.
You can also use the configurable endpoint addresses, even if the stub is created with the default, as shown below.
However, for more complex images, such as the background for the sidebar, we use images purposely made larger than their default display area and position them appropriately.
The default is to use the same tablespace name as from the source, in which case, the input mapping for this tablespace is not necessary.
Sometimes the converted result is not as good as expected when you use the default conversion profile.
When a messaging engine is created in a single-server environment, a file-based store is created to use as the default data store.
The idea is to take a default firmware update image and modify it so that you can use it as a PXE boot image.
If your DB2 instance does not use the default 50000 port, don't forget to change that as well.
如果您的DB 2实例不使用缺省50000端口,则不要忘了还要更改该端口。
It will come as no surprise by now that these teams almost by default use online chats and real-time data in their communication.
Begin by configuring one computer to use CPAN as normal and setting up your default set of modules.
If you want to work with the default configuration Settings, then you use the common build sequence, as shown in Listing 1 below.
This template should use the default file Cabinet template (filecab.ntf) as its template.
该模板应该使用默认的文件柜模板(filecab . ntf)作为模板。
For example, in the project Settings, a second rendering set, named compact, is created and set as the default (Figure 3), and the Use compact rendering option is selected.
例如,在项目设置之中,第二个赋值集合,叫做compact,会得到创建并设置为默认值(图3),而Use compactrendering选项也被选中了。
As an example, here is a small program that demonstrates the default use of dynamic libraries in Linux.
Guideline 1: Use XHTML's namespace as the default namespace.
Guideline 1: Use XHTML's namespace as the default namespace.