The self-cleaning "refrigerator of the future" will automatically place supermarket home delivery orders when required and move food near its use by date to the front of the shelves。
The self-cleaning "refrigerator of the future" will automatically place supermarket home delivery orders when required and move food near its use by date to the front of the shelves.
It also implements the Comparable interface so you can use it for sorting (by date).
To get the VALIDITYBEGIN date needed by this BAPI, it would just use today's date.
The “use-by” or “best if used-by” date indicates the last day that the item is at its best quality as far as taste, texture, appearance, odor, and nutritional value. The decline after that is gradual.
If the container for liquid products bears a "use-by" date, observe it. Follow the storage and handling instructions provided by the manufacturer.
The food in your fridge might look and smell fine, but if it's a day out of date (or even on the use-by day) do you throw it straight in the bin?
For example, by specifying a valid from-date, the process Server will be able to decide, which of all the deployed versions of a process template to use when creating a given process instance.
To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use.
So guys of a certain age who don't want to look like they've passed their "use-by" date are always running off at lunchtime to get their roots done.
You can use a graphical display of the status with color coding and alerts for situations in the which the due date has gone by to provide additional capabilities.
To date, a total of 96 Shadow systems have been ordered for use by the Army, Marines, and National Guard and 65 have been delivered to these customers.
If not, by all means continue to use Calendar to do all of your date calculations.
So guys of a certain age who don't want to look like they've passed their "use-by" date are always running off at lunchtime to get their roots done。
Some are annoyed by the fact that Reflector has an update mechanism making the product impossible to use after an expiration date, so they will either buy v.7 or stop using it altogether.
有些人很气愤,因为Reflector有一种更新机制,使得它在有效期满之后就不能使用了,所以他们只能购买v . 7,或者就不能使用它了。
When purchasing perishable food items I look for those that have the longest "use by" date, even if I intend to consume them immediately.
Japan currently has three information-gathering satellites in orbit and the latest satellite will replace one of them which has passed its use-by date.
This thesis is a tentative probe into foreign language teaching, by making use of some up-to-date psycholinguistic evidence and theories, trying to link theory into practice.
Warranty: One year from the date of delivery. Service provided by the German Company. The warranty does not cover natural wear and tear and damage arising from improper use.
By default, WPF will use the hardware acceleration pipeline for these drivers and will fall back to software rendering for XPDM drivers published before this date.
Use a built-in function to "move" a date by a specified number of months or to another date in a week.
Ideally, then, retailers would adjust their prices to reflect the staleness of the food, with the price declining very slightly over time, before being slashed as the" use by" date approaches.
This workshop has been operating for a hundred years, and makes an iron plough about every four days for use by local farmers. This is the largest workshop of its kind found to date.
Buy in bulk stuff you'll never be able to use or consume before the sell-by-date.
By use of the date of the core and geology of oil well, the paper is focus on the use of the method of experiments to evaluate the reservoir damage.
Their example is a reminder that there is no "use by" date on our earthly lives.
Yet Alexandria was not conquered by the Romans until 30BC, and it was only after this date that the Chinese began to use the name in this way.
Marty learns that Biff was given the book by old Biff on November 12, 1955, so he and Doc go back to that date in order to steal the almanac from Biff before he can use it to destroy their lives.
Marty learns that Biff was given the book by old Biff on November 12, 1955, so he and Doc go back to that date in order to steal the almanac from Biff before he can use it to destroy their lives.