Use Case Analysis is composed of several steps in RUP [RUP2003]
在RUP [RUP2003]中的用例分析由几部分组成
This illustration also shows the steps recommended by RUP within the context of Use Case Analysis.
The problem here is that you must do a pretty good use case analysis to get the right set of DTOs and methods.
Most portal projects that I have seen rely solely on use case analysis for requirements gathering tend to have many problems.
Each use case represents a portion of the user manual, and should be written that way if the goal of your use case analysis is to produce an object model.
After some use case analysis, a proof of concept was conducted to validate whether Moodle could satisfy UDOM's requirements for the learning management system.
There is no doubt that the use case analysis technique is essential to RUP as it supports one of its key doctrines -- risk-mitigating, iterative implementation.
无疑的是用例分析技术对于RUP 是必要的,因为它支持 RUP的关键原则之一 —— 减少风险的,迭代的实现。
Combining Construction Materials Quality Manage System practical item, the apply of use case analysis method in software development is detailed described.
The whole process focus on software requirement capture, use case analysis and model building, and provides a use case specification of software requirement.
We did this activity during the use case analysis (see Resources); we now derive the Solution Overview Diagram using the different use cases, as shown in Figure 1.
我们在用例分析(详见参考资料)的过程中完成了这项工作。 我们使用不同的用例来生成解决方案概要图表,如图1 所示。
But there usually exists a gap which it is difficult to overstep from use case analysis model to other design models in four UML-based models of software system.
An important point is that Rational Method Composer treats estimation the same way as it treats other techniques and best practices, such as use case analysis or unit testing.
重点是RationalMethod Composer对待估算与对待其他技术和最佳实践的方式相同,例如用力分析或单元测试。
Figure 11: The method of performing use-case analysis represented as a task in RMC.
Because the project will be addressing different types of estimations, create two separate JET templates: one for use case point analysis and another for class point analysis.
After you know the total unadjusted points, it is easy to add the other factors to arrive at the unadjusted person hours, just as you did for the use case point analysis.
For example, Figure 11 depicts how the use-case analysis method is represented in RUP as a task performed by the role designer.
In analysis, our use case realization contains only analysis classes and objects, which may populate various UML diagrams such as class diagrams and interaction diagrams.
Typically these assets will be use case, services, analysis and design models.
Although there is no business use case for such an analysis engine, it provides a simple way to demonstrate how easy it is to create a UIMA analysis engine.
As output work products, the task defines a use-case realization as well as the analysis model comprising analysis classes.
This includes identifying conceptual Analysis Elements necessary to express the behavior of each use case.
Figure 9: the Use-Case Analysis model and its traceability links to the other model elements.
During business analysis, requirements gathering, and use-case design, the model deliberately lacks detail, showing only the information concepts that are most important for the business.
It has several other work products as optional inputs, such as use-case realization, analysis class, glossary, and so on.
A number of books 19 on this subject describe how a designer systematically creates object-oriented analysis models from use-case specifications.
As we add more scenarios, we'll complete the use case, at least so far as the analysis phase of the development cycle is concerned.
The main tool we'll use to structure our thinking on that dynamic behavior is use-case analysis.
These conditions represent the failure modes of the program — they are implementation related and have nothing to do with the problem domain, so they don't belong in a use-case analysis.
The first step in RUP's Use-Case Analysis is to create what RUP calls a use case realization.
Finally, there are tool mentors that describe how to perform use-case analysis using tools such as IBM Rational Rose, XDE, or Software Architect.
最终,工具指导会描述如何使用诸如ibmRationalRose,XDE,或Software Architect工具执行用例分析。