But there usually exists a gap which it is difficult to overstep from use case analysis model to other design models in four UML-based models of software system.
As output work products, the task defines a use-case realization as well as the analysis model comprising analysis classes.
With a level of analysis performed at this point, a formal use case model can be created and documented.
During business analysis, requirements gathering, and use-case design, the model deliberately lacks detail, showing only the information concepts that are most important for the business.
During the third step, a business Analysis Model is developed wherein each business use case realization is formalized in terms of two major UML artifacts.
Figure 9: the Use-Case Analysis model and its traceability links to the other model elements.
To illustrate, we usually find that transforming a use case specification document into an analysis model is generally not practical.
Each describes a different aspect of the system, such as the use-case model, the analysis model, and the design model.
A use case model describes the major interactions between actors (human and other systems) and the system under analysis.
The analysis model identifies the main classes in the system and contains a set of use case realizations that describe how the system will be built.
The Piggy Bank sample is divided into three UML models that each describe a different aspect of the system: the use-case model, analysis model, and design model.
In use of the analysis model, we can attain particular use case and distribute a group objects for the system behavior.
Getting the system requirement model by using use case model in UML, and making further system analysis by using class diagram and package diagram in UML.
On this basis, the proposed thesis research ideas and methods, the use of the Porter competitive model, empirical and case analysis, supply chain marketing model as the theoretical basis for analysis.
In the requirement analysis phase, the article briefly introduced the concept of requirement analysis, discussed two main requirement analysis technologies - use case model and domain model.
Each use case represents a portion of the user manual, and should be written that way if the goal of your use case analysis is to produce an object model.
The activity diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and the class diagram are used for building the analysis and design model of the sedimentary facies modeling system.
系统中采用了活动图、 用例图、顺序图、交互图和类图建立沉积相建模系统的分析和设计模型。
The whole process focus on software requirement capture, use case analysis and model building, and provides a use case specification of software requirement.
The whole process focus on software requirement capture, use case analysis and model building, and provides a use case specification of software requirement.