Use Case Design Step 3: Simplify sequence diagrams using subsystems (optional).
In Part II of this series, we will perform the steps of RUP's Use Case Design activity.
The next Use Case Design step is to simplify repeated behavior by replacing common groupings of objects with a subsystem.
The result of our activities in Use Case Design will produce the contents of the RUP Design Model, including (but certainly not limited to)
Adopting the object-oriented design method, the detail design of some modules is given, which includes use case design, concept model and sequence diagram.
As we have seen, you can assign a set of personas to each use case and its human actor to create an integrated approach for accessible design.
The primary persona should drive the user interface design for every use case that involves the associated human actor.
Software elements can use UML and use case realization, an approach very similar to MDSD, but applied at the software design level, to create the technical design of the software.
Typically these assets will be use case, services, analysis and design models.
A business or software system can be documented by writing single requirement statements, and these statements can be greatly expanded by applying the principles of use-case design.
For the specific use case we figure out the problem, write the use case, analyse it to figure out what we need to be thinking about, and do some preliminary design.
Now that it's time to begin iterating on the design, the book describes two different options — Use case or Feature-driven development — and discusses when one approach is better than the other.
During business analysis, requirements gathering, and use-case design, the model deliberately lacks detail, showing only the information concepts that are most important for the business.
Architects often design a solution that is closely aligned to the structure of the requirements, which in many cases takes the shape of a use case model.
But in our evolution of the design SQD, we have strictly demonstrated how our analysis and technical objects will interact with each other to carry out the work of our Reserve a Vehicle use case.
Whether it is necessary to code responsibilities in other layers will be driven mainly by the system's architectural style and design decisions made during the use-case realization session.
In this article we'll use design patterns to rapidly create a framework, which in this case is a pattern of patterns.
The true challenge of the case, says Ms Scafidi, is to determine when the use of colour on a portion of apparel is a design element and when it is a trademark.
As with the service specifications before, you will use one of the reusable design elements, in this case called ${complexservice}Provider.
如同以前的服务规范一样,您将使用其中一个可重用的设计元素,在这种情况下称为 ${complexservice}Provider。
IBM Rational Rose is a popular tool for developing the various UML models, such as use case model and design model, used in the project lifecycle.
Business Object model (FS-BOM) provides use case definitions and an integrated class model of all financial services concepts to support requirements definition and business-oriented solution design.
业务对象模型(Business Object Model,FS - BOM)为所有金融服务概念提供用例定义和集成类模型,以支持需求定义和面向业务的解决方案设计。
In general, by the time we get to an implementation-level design, no use case should take longer than a month to implement.
通常,在进行到实现级别implementation - level设计时,用例的实现不应超过一个月。
We start the design of this service provider by creating a system use case that defines its requirements and a component called Invoicer that realizes the use case.
我们对服务提供者进行的设计,首先创建一个定义其需求的系统用例,以及一个被称作 Invoicer 的实现该用例的组件。
The use case realizations and the software architecture document translate into detailed design documents.
In this situation, the use case can be used to create testable scenarios, but the inclusion of hidden information 44 impinges on the ability to maintain the test case through any design changes.
Depending on the severity of the design issues, the system architect might even want to hold another meeting to revisit the whole use-case realization in context.
In design, our realization will contain design-level information explaining how the steps of a use case will be carried out by collaborating design objects.
However, even if one person is capable of doing every part of the design and implementation for a use case on a small project, it is imperative that creating the use-case realization be a team effort.
Use-case realization sessions should produce a main output artifact; software development processes often suggest a design model composed of interaction and design class diagrams.
Use-case types are more like use-case patterns — design patterns — but at the use-case level.