In a Web service, we use enumerations. On the WSDL document, an enumeration looks something like.
When I found this way to use enumerations to access HASH strings I knew it was the right approach.
I have found a helpful way to use enumerations that can be referenced in the IDE, while coding logic.
Also, MSSOAP 1.x generally cannot understand Web services that use enumerations (which is something we discuss in the next article in this series).
一般情况下,MSSOAP 1. x也无法理解使用了枚举的Web服务(将在本系列的下一篇文章中进行讨论)。
While enumerations are stored as integers by default, you can specify the integral base type to use.
You could nest an enumerations data set everywhere you use that enumeration value, but that would create an excessive number of tables on the report and increase its loading time.
Implementers can use the examples in this article to help design and extend enumerations.
If you want to use the same semantic element to contain both base enumerations and extended enumerations, consider solution 3 (union with a pattern).
These complex types can be enumerations, structures, and unions, or you can use typedef to create a new name for a type.
How to use regular expressions (string patterns), enumerations, unions, lists, and substitution groups?
You'll use a schema that defines enumerations for gender, marital status, and favorite color. Here's a sample instance document.
Enumerations are treated as data types, and you can use them to create sets of constants for use with variables and properties.
The following example shows two enumerations that do not use the recommended underlying data type.
The following example shows two enumerations that do not use the recommended underlying data type.