And this is obviously a toy example but you could see the use of recursion in everyday life and in everyday use of language.
In Ghana, India and Singapore, English is used as a working language, for example, between bosses and secretaries and between doctors and patients, although there are other languages for everyday use.
I enjoy feeling that wizards would continue to use this dead language in their everyday life.
Literary language follows a poetic logic which is different from the logic for everyday use, which produces the aesthetic features different from other cultural forms.
We found that the language in everyday conversation, in the amount of the expression language, about the use of volume than do more widely.
Bai people speak Bai language in everyday life but use Han language (Chinese) as a written form.
In daily life, we should use some simple everyday language to communicate more, let the children not only practice English, feel learning English is useful at any time.
Yang fan: I think cyber language is amazing, because it gives us another language option besides the language we use in everyday life.
The objective is to make most citizens capable of speaking one hundred sentences for everyday use in at least one foreign language by the end of 2007.
大力推进“市民讲外语” 活动,到2007年底,力争实现多数市民会说百句常用外语的目标。
The objective is to make most citizens capable of speaking one hundred sentences for everyday use in at least one foreign language by the end of 2007.
大力推进“市民讲外语” 活动,到2007年底,力争实现多数市民会说百句常用外语的目标。