Although the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines recommending that parents model appropriate social media use for their children, it does not explicitly discuss oversharing by parents.
The model works for items that are expensive to buy and are widely owned by people who do not make full use of them.
And for almost every practical use you would put that model to, it works pretty well.
Don't spend too much time getting the model right for unstable use cases; this functionality may change anyway.
Nobody has any use for a model which takes so long to compute that the markets leave it behind.
For example, you get to use a simpler programming model based on POJOs.
For this exercise, use the existing UML model project to store the transformation configuration file.
If you are interested in setting up the UCM use model for your configuration management, proceed to the next section.
如果您对为配置管理创建U CM使用模型,继续学习接下来的章节。
Use the extensions to create a simple user model for a fictitious publishing organization.
Hopefully, the current trend in the use of musicians as a model for brain plasticity will continue... and extend to the field of neuropsychological rehabilitation.
The design interface is easy to use and supports necessary functionality for business process model design.
Future articles will also show how to use the use cases for UI design, and how to build a formal dynamic model from use cases.
The scenarios in this article use a simple model that describes the process for new employee on-boarding.
The code makes use of the standard J2EE programming model for accessing services.
These problems get worse when you use this model for purposes it wasn't originally meant for.
The Relational DAS will take this schema and use it to define the model for the Service Data Objects it can create.
This section is a reference to use as the basis for a full implementation of the model.
The true test of the data model and semantics defined by the IBM team will come soon, as the partners involved in the E-Energy project begin to use the model for their own projects.
IBM团队定义的数据模型和语义不久后就要经受真正的考验,因为参加e - Energy项目的合作伙伴将开始在自己的项目中使用此模型。
Service components, which adopt the Service component Architecture (SCA) programming model, use business objects for exchanging data among them.
服务组件采用的是服务组件架构(Service Component Architecture,SCA)编程模型,它使用业务对象在服务组件之间交换数据。
Listing 9 provides the output for this use model (but in this case, some of the output has been pruned for brevity).
IXRetail has adapted names and definitions from the ARTS Data Model standard for use in XML messages.
IXRetail改编了ARTS数据模型(ARTS Data Model)标准中的名称和定义,使它们在XML消息中使用。
JPA Manager Beans are an ideal programming model for use in two-tier Web environments.
The retail company can use the dimensional schema for database deployment and use the Cubing or Cognos model for business intelligence deployment.
VMware introduced the Mobile Virtualization Platform to address an increasingly common use model: smart phones for business and personal use.
Many of our Banks and corporations should use this E-mail as a model for communicating with the public.
The relational data model and use of the SQL language allows for enterprise level performance and scalability.
If possible, we should use elements readily available, to get such a maturity model ready in time for planned use.
A mining model describes the data that you will use, as well as other input parameters necessary for the model to run.
A mining model describes the data that you will use, as well as other input parameters necessary for the model to run.