When an application wants to use the services of another component, it first gets an object reference for the object providing the service.
The current JAXB reference implementation beta is not licensed for anything other than evaluation use, but that appears likely to change when it becomes a production release.
A URI reference (and an IRI reference, when they begin to appear) can be relative, but relative URIs have been deprecated for namespace use.
You use the value of the id attribute to reference a task — when declaring dependencies between tasks or task groups, for example.
Many people also use eating style as a reference for character traits when deciding if they can be with someone.
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we're pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for here.
Therefore, we use ARIMA time series analysis model to predict CSI 300 Index, which is a useful reference for the company and investors when making related decisions.
When you use a type parameter for an optional parameter, you must guarantee that it is of a reference type to avoid the possibility of a value type with no valid default value.
Today, when quality education is being put into effect, it is of great realistic significance both in theory and practice to look closely at Bloom's theory again and use it for reference.
Today, when quality education is being put into effect, it is of great realistic significance both in theory and practice to look closely at Bloom's theory again and use it for reference.