Some applications, particularly those that use a lot of memory, may perform better with a 64kb page size even though they don't use full 64kb pages.
You could use Ajax to handle many of the user interaction events in the background, and then to update portions of the page, without requiring a full portal refresh cycle.
You might want to use the IP address and the date or full time at which the page request was made in order to generate and validate the nonce.
In an application that maintains a complex context, the use of a cross-page wire to communicate a single value to a new page is insufficient to establish the full context.
Movie Textures are not supported; use a full-screen streaming playback instead. Please see the Movie playback page for more information.
Such design, can make full use of on one hand the clew of traditional page number and turn quickly jump function;
Such design, can make full use of on one hand the clew of traditional page number and turn quickly jump function;