You might need to reposition the desk, use a dimmer switch on overhead lights, or lower window shades to keep out sunlight.
Used to flush out status information when a reposition occurs. This is a virtual function that is provided should the codec require resetting prior to use.
They reposition the cameras and get all the close ups and medium shots to use when they edit the film together.
Objective To investigate the clinical use of segmental osteometomy in reposition of the implant to a more favorable orofacial position.
The treatment will be rather complicated. I will adopt certain maneuvers to reposition it. We will use a splint to fix it in coordination with transcutaneous traction.
The fastest way to add controls to a dialog box, reposition existing controls, or move controls from one dialog box to another, is to use the drag-and-drop method.
Use the Gradient Tool (G) to squish and reposition the gradients.
I will adopt certain maneuvers to reposition it. We will use a splint to fix it in coordination with transcutaneous traction.
I will adopt certain maneuvers to reposition it. We will use a splint to fix it in coordination with transcutaneous traction.