The earthworm is a useful animal. On the ground it is food for other animals. Under the ground, it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.
Objective to study the method to establish the model of otitis media with effusion (OME) and offer a useful animal model in the experimental study.
Domesticated Balkan donkeys used to be very popular inrural Serbia, but modern hauling machinery made the people turn their back on this once useful animal.
在过去,家养的巴尔干半岛驴在塞尔维亚乡村曾非常受欢迎,但随着现代搬运机器的产生使得人们渐渐冷落了这种有用的动物。 。
Conclusion the congestive heart failure model induced by rapid ventricular pacing has the advantage of controllability and is a useful animal model for clinical research of heart failure.
In addition to butanol, the bacteria can produce various useful fatty acids that existing processes derive from plant and animal oils.
In either case, its legs must have become less useful as the animal evolved over time.
In most respects, smoke exposure worsened the host response to influenza. This animal model may be useful in studying how smoke worsens respiratory viral infections.
Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by-product.
Animal models of these diseases are proving useful to understand how dysfunction of affected genes and proteins contributes to disease pathology.
Conclusion Electron microscopy is a reliable and useful technique and can be successfully used in animal virus detection.
Animal waste is the best food for the soil; but chemical fertilizers are also very useful.
In addition, the knockout mice might be useful as a model to study mania, as there is no other animal model available yet.
A superbly useful talent for a rogue is ranger, which allows you to call an animal to join your party.
Chemical reactor model is very useful to characterize the animal gut quantitatively and help us to interpret the digestive strategies of animals.
The degree of parts and animal spirits necessary to constitute that character, if properly applied, might have made him useful in many parts of life;
The Thrull is a curious animal, a servant race that is often more useful dead than alive.
Aerobic compost is a useful way of transforming animal dung into a stable and safe organic matter for use as an organic amendment.
Conclusion the site specific point mutation system can modify human gene in vitro more accurately. It is useful in the setting up of animal models.
The above features render this animal model useful in studying tumor invasion and metastasis, and tumor angiogenesis as well.
In China the animal signs also serve a useful social function for finding out people's ages.
This model is a useful tool for the scheme designing experiment in animal and interp...
But they added: "on the basis of animal models, however, it is interesting to consider that rapamycin... might prove useful in combating many age-associated disorders."
Monitoring lactate levels is, therefore, a good indicator of the balance between tissue oxygen demand and utilization and is useful when studying cellular and animal physiology.
Compounds are provided that act as potent antagonists of the CCR9 receptor. Animal testing demonstrates that these compounds are useful for treating inflammation, a hallmark disease for CCR9.
The animal signs also serve a useful social function for finding out people's ages.
The animal signs also serve a useful social function for finding out people's ages.