Pages read or, better yet, time spent reading were more useful Numbers in hindsight.
While it may be useful to collect the Numbers and roll them up at a high level, the most important thing is for teams to feel ownership of the data, process, and actions.
Once we have this list of best-guess letters and Numbers, we can apply standard text-processing tools and informational lookups to extract useful information.
It still has unique revision IDs; they are just not as useful on their own as the SVN revision Numbers.
The actual Numbers are not very useful; they tend to be very inaccurate due to rounding errors.
Post-processing the text of only letters and numbers for higher-order data is a much easier method of developing a useful annotation system with available open source systems.
Whether the JIT would be able to do so in a real-world program depends on a lot of factors, and so the non-JIT timing Numbers are probably more useful for making a fair comparison.
A construct that is sometimes useful to have, for perfectly practical reasons, is an infinite sequence of Numbers.
So, how do you go from just Numbers, zeros and ones to actually useful information?
The BAR file is uniquely identified based on the version Numbers of the constituent flows, but this additional layer is still useful when delivering BAR files between development and deployment teams.
BAR文件是基于委托流(constituent flow)的版本号唯一标识的,但这一附加层在开发和部署团队之间传递BAR文件时也是有用的。
"14,000" is one of those Numbers stuck in for its "wow-factor," but there is an impressive number of useful updates, many of which are worth exploring.
Additional functionality in the SystemInfo class would be useful, including support for finding process names and Numbers, networks status, network connection speed, and battery life.
The main thing to understand is that Psyco is useful for handling blocks that loop many times, and it knows how to optimize operations involving integers and floating point numbers.
This is useful if your data is easily expressed as simple objects, rather than as separate values like strings and Numbers.
The latter is especially useful if you are working on several different tasks involving large Numbers of files but want to commit certain changes together.
Algorithms that scan text for common patterns, such as email addresses, phone Numbers, and people and place names, are useful for named entity extraction.
However, those numbers are based on averages and are not always useful for very tall or short people, children or certain ethnic groups.
This is particularly useful towards the end of a release cycle, where small numbers of changes are being made and running large-scale test runs is prohibitively time consuming.
Nor anything useful about charting your life by numbers that were silly in the first place.
Many inactive ingredients have CAS Registry Numbers, which are useful in searching other databases for chemical information.
Adding punctuation inflectives, such as "Dash" for "-" or "AtSign" for "@" may prove useful when processing certain types of data, such as employee serial numbers or postal addresses.
事实证明,添加标点符号的变化在处理某些类数据(例如员工序号或邮政编码)时非常有用,例如为 “-” 添加 “破折号” 或为 “@” 添加 “AtSign”。
Some useful page Numbers from the Machinery's Handbook.
Because it is so easy to experiment with different Numbers, spreadsheet software is particularly useful for what-if analysis.
Do you like this song? I like this number song. In our life, the number is very useful. Look! Here are some Numbers. Can you read them?
Some economist argue that emigration can be a useful safety valve in hard times, reducing the numbers of the unemployed and avoiding the debilitating effects of long-term unemployment.
Such judgments, while useful to chefs, can't be calibrated. Lufthansa wanted to crunch numbers.
A hot core heater would be very useful to avoid condensation of the constituents of air at the higher Mach Numbers.
M1: That's right, a very useful invention. Then, in 1890 they built their first Lamp factory, so they began producing in Large numbers.
M1: That's right, a very useful invention. Then, in 1890 they built their first Lamp factory, so they began producing in Large numbers.