In the last class, we started talking about useful plant fibers.
Aloe is one of broad multi-purpose useful plant, and orange is also a fruits with rich nutrient.
Scientists have calculated that globally the ratio between the amounts of useful plant food used to produce meat is about 5 to 1.
This is also a very useful plant for shady gardens and looks quite at home in large groups beneath trees, where they do not seem to mind competition from tree roots, provided the soil is good.
The plant is not only beautiful but also useful.
In addition to butanol, the bacteria can produce various useful fatty acids that existing processes derive from plant and animal oils.
One way to release useful energy from plant matter is to ferment it into biofuels, as Synthetic Genomics, LS9 and Amyris are trying to do.
释放植物有用能源的一个方式是将其发酵转化为生物燃料,就如SyntheticGenomics,LS 9and Amyris他们正在尝试做的。
Darwin claimed the appendix was useful for digestion during our early plant-eating years; it's dwindled down to little since we started eating more digestible foods.
Money Plant is therefore especially useful in office buildings as they generally have lot of wooden furniture.
Useful drugs are made from inorganic substances or are plant and animal by-product.
AM fungi is a kind useful microorganism that distributes in the soil system extensively; it can form symbiosis with host plant above 90%.
Hence, this method provides useful informations for identification of plant species and verification of new species. It is a development for application of GC in sample analysis of complex components.
We cannot equate crystalline vitamin B to all that science has mapped; however there are six forms of B vitamins that the plant kingdom perceives as useful to cell reparation and regeneration.
Bacillus subtilis is considered to be a useful rhizobacteria, which can suppress the growth of plant fungal pathogens and promote the growth of plant.
Conclusion: the HPLC-FPS can provide the useful information for the quality estimation and plant source of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis.
结论:建立厚朴hplc - FPS能为厚朴质量与植物来源的评估提供有用的信息。
The plant electrical signal is a kind of complicated signal, and the traditional electrophysiological method couldn't get more useful message from it.
All plant assets, except land, are depreciated over their estimated useful life.
It is a useful attempt to achieve the online diagnosis for the digital Nuclear Power Plant via this work.
Apply Aloe Vera gel: gel or juice of Aloe Vera is highly useful in fading of acne scars. You can grow Aloe Vera plant in your home and apply freshly taken pure Aloe Vera gel to your scar.
The scheme for reforming air preheater and how to reduce the ratio of air leakage are analyzed. it is useful for power plant economic operation.
The theorem has been verified to be very useful in estimating the all parameters of controlled plant in a closed loop via least squares method.
All this have made a firm foundation for the gene engineering research of drought-resistance in plant and will be useful in producing trehalose by plant bioreactors.
The deepgoing study of the anatomical structure of the vegetative organ of this plant is very useful to the development of the new vegetative oil resources.
The contents of this paper can be used to analyse and judge if the condenser plant design is reasonable and useful.
The useful APDL(ANSYS parametric design language)technology was used in the finite element analysis and structural optimum design of the multi-flue chimney of a power plant.
The information from the Arabidopsis researches will be certainly useful in elucidating the complex life activities of different plant species.
This internal combustion engine is excellent and useful in the mileage as a prime mover from a power plant to a small generator or as an engine to be mounted on a mover such as a ship or a car.
This internal combustion engine is excellent and useful in the mileage as a prime mover from a power plant to a small generator or as an engine to be mounted on a mover such as a ship or a car.