These two relations involving entropy are also useful because they'll let us see how entropy depends on volume and pressure.
The equipment might also prove useful for home audio systems and end the time-honored battle of television volume or choice of music.
But high volume also means that food is being prepared fresh, rather than sitting around attracting flies and turning into something useful for waging biological warfare.
While not all measurements are appropriate for a production, high-volume application, they do provide useful insight into application behavior, especially in a test environment.
A scenario in which volume management would be useful is when you have a storage server that has filled up with data and storage needs to be added.
As many sound engineers know, it is super useful to be able to combine collections of sounds into categories and apply volume control and effects over the entire category in one place.
Split or merge volume groups in situ (as long as no logical volumes span the split). This can be useful when migrating whole logical volumes to or from offline storage.
A useful unit converter can help you make the daily calculation, including conversion of area, density, energy, force, length, mass, power, pressure, speed, temperature and volume.
As well as being a compendium of terms from a to Z, the volume concludes with a useful collection of appendices, which tabulate many of the key constants, properties and equations of relevance.
Applying the vector representation of formula for definite proportional division point in vector algebra, this paper obtains a new useful method of compunction for segment ratio in volume ratio.
This type of fluid provides a useful hybrid of the volume based and SPH based fluid simulators.
The flexibility and superior image fidelity of volume rendering make it a very useful technique in an increasing number of applications.
With simple desks and easy operation, this software provides traffic volume forecast with a useful tool and meets the needs in reality.
The main research of this paper is whether volume contains information useful for predicting future price movements in China Stock Market.
The different results are analyzed, and the conclusion that the storage system with spherical waves has a larger volume, better angular selectivity and is useful for miniaturization of system is.
We conclude that FCM is an accurate, reliable and very useful method for calculating mitral regurgitation stroke volume.
Besides, a technology of dual distribution was put forward, which proved to be useful for distribution of flow volume.
This volume of dialogs presents useful and engaging ways to talk over the phone.
This clinical practice is verified to be a useful new approach for RV volume and it performance measurements.
The results indicate that the storage system with spherical waves has a larger volume, better angular selectivity and is useful for miniaturization of system.
Then the relevant volume holographic principles were briefly illustrated, followed by results of general coupled-wave theory which are useful for volume holographic storage.
An example where this kind of control might be useful is for a volume control on a music player.
The nuclear volume of the positive tumor cell or lymphocyte with PC10 immunostaining may be also useful in differentiating CML from CLI.
So perhaps the number of words isn't useful in defining long tail keywords. Perhaps search volume or competitiveness might be better.
Good ring sealing and detergency reduces the volume of the deposit forming materials that enter the crankcase, there-by extending the useful life of the crankcase oil.
The article will have many useful help in the design, construction and monitoring of the large volume concrete engineering.
And the model given in this paper is also useful for those parallel applications with local schemes such as finite element and finite volume.
As Wall says in his essay in this volume, "English is useful because it's a mess."
It's very useful to enhance the precision of measure results when we understand the volume magnetic susceptibility of weights.
It's very useful to enhance the precision of measure results when we understand the volume magnetic susceptibility of weights.