This automatically reflects the changes in all the places where User-Agent string is being used.
Based on the user-agent string shown in Figure 11, you can tell that the requester is running a Mac with an Intel CPU.
根据图11中展示的user - agent字符串,就可以断定请求程序通过Intel CPU运行mac系统。
Figure 6 shows how the form using the layout in Figure 3 looks with a user-agent string from a WAP handset that renders WML.
You can verify the change of the User-Agent string in the Protocol Data tab of the RPT workspace after you have saved the changes (Figure 4).
您可以在保存这个更改之后,验证RPT 工作区的ProtocolData标签中的User-Agent字符串值(图 4)。
The second line, the first rewrite condition, indicates that following rules only apply when the user-agent string in the HTTP request header contains the substring MSIE.
第二行的第一个重写条件表明:下面的规则仅适用于HTTP请求报头中的user - agent字符串包含子字符串msie的情形。
The mechanism chosen, which is not the only possible way to manage this, involves creating a pseudo-MIME type, matching the user-agent string and using Rails' respond_to mechanism.
所选用的机制(并不是惟一的实现方法)涉及创建伪 MIME类型,匹配用户代理字符串和使用 Rails 的 respond_to 机制。
To change the User-Agent string, in the request header of the script, change the value that represents the Internet Explorer browser to the value that represents the wireless device
要在请求的脚本中更改这个 User-Agent字符串值,就要将代表浏览器的值更改为代表无线设备的值
Make sure to use the correct user agent string, since this is the value the portal USES to match an incoming request to your device.
Then you use string matching to map the user agent string to an Enum called Agents.
Other quick look-up tools on the site will show your current User Agent string from your browser, as well as your screen resolution and host name.
For example, a device with a single user agent string might have multiple screen-size Settings, each of which can have different output.
For example, a device with a single user agent string might have multiple screen-size Settings, each of which can have different output.