Stikkit is a perfect example for a user-friendly service which requires almost nothing from the visitor which is unobtrusive and comforting.
The software is very user friendly, and even if you're not sure if you want to commit to paying for an online backup service, it's worth a download just to automate your local backups.
Web Intents puts the user in the driver seat by providing user friendly mechanisms to control service integrations and in the process simplifying the developer's job.
Gmail's massive online storage capability and fancy programming made Microsoft hustle to upgrade its popular, though not user-friendly, web E-mail service.
Gmail可观的在线存储能力和新奇的设计令微软疲于升级其广受欢迎不易使用的互联网e - mail服务。
Intangible talent market is invisible geographical space without restrictions, low-cost, large volume, user-friendly and efficient, personalized service strong enough unparalleled advantage.
This paper develops a practical and user-friendly approach for real-time service load condition assessment of cable-stayed bridges.
To do what we can to provide an efficient, reliable and user-friendly bus service to all public transport users traveling within our operating area.
In the travel world, Web Service enables multiple connectivity of different inventory and serves it up to the customer in a user-friendly fashion.
Thanks. Logaster is good, great user friendly tool & efficient service. Will sure use Logaster in future when I need logos for new brands.
Thanks. Logaster is good, great user friendly tool & efficient service. Will sure use Logaster in future when I need logos for new brands.