It also reviews the DB2 UDB security model, including user authentication, user and group authorization, and super users.
文中还介绍了DB 2UDB安全模型,包括用户身份验证、用户和组授权以及超级用户。
Part 1 of this article series presents the DB2 security model, and discusses how user and group accounts interact with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (DB2).
本系列的第1部分介绍了DB 2安全性模型,并讨论了用户和组帐户如何与DB 2Universal Database (udb)交互。
The Linux permissions model has two special access modes called suid (set user id) and sgid (set group id).
Resources: TinkerGraph - a reference implementation of the General Graph Model, Gremlin Documentation, Gremlin User Group.
Typical user query and analysis patterns and their performance impact on the Multi-OROLAP model and algorithms, group membership management and maintenance of multi-data warehouses are also discussed.
Based on RBAC model, the paper adds user group, role group to extend the model from user, role and permission.
在RBAC模型的基础上引入用户组、角色组的概念,从用户、角色和权限三个方面对R BAC模型进行了扩展。
Such user mobility can be modeled by a group mobility model where the mobile users are organized into groups of different mobility pattern, mobility rate, and coverage area.
In this paper, we introduce a notion called restrictive blind group signature, then we construct a fair off-line e-cash system in the multiple bank model with both user and bank anonymity control.
In this paper, we introduce a notion called restrictive blind group signature, then we construct a fair off-line e-cash system in the multiple bank model with both user and bank anonymity control.